Source code for geoips.plugins.modules.output_formatters.imagery_windbarbs

# # # Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited.
# # #
# # # Author:
# # # Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division
# # #
# # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# # # the terms of the NRLMMD License included with this program. This program is
# # # distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# # # for more details. If you did not receive the license, for more information see:
# # #

"""Matplotlib-based windbarb annotated image output."""

import logging

import numpy
import as crs

from geoips.image_utils.mpl_utils import (
from geoips.image_utils.colormap_utils import set_matplotlib_colors_standard
from geoips.image_utils.mpl_utils import plot_image, plot_overlays, create_colorbar
from geoips.image_utils.mpl_utils import get_title_string_from_objects, set_title

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

interface = "output_formatters"
family = "image_overlay"
name = "imagery_windbarbs"

[docs]def plot_barbs(main_ax, mapobj, mpl_colors_info, formatted_data_dict): """Plot windbarbs on matplotlib figure.""" # main_ax.extent = area_def.area_extent_ll main_ax.set_extent(mapobj.bounds, crs=mapobj) # main_ax.extent = mapobj.bounds # NOTE this does not work if transform=mapobj. # Something about transforming to PlateCarree projection, then # reprojecting to mapobj. I don't fully understand it, but this # works beautifully, and transform=mapobj puts all the vectors # in the center of the image. main_ax.scatter( x=formatted_data_dict["lon"].data[formatted_data_dict["rain_inds"]], y=formatted_data_dict["lat"].data[formatted_data_dict["rain_inds"]], transform=crs.PlateCarree(), marker="D", color="k", s=formatted_data_dict["rain_size"], zorder=2, ) main_ax.barbs( formatted_data_dict["lon"].data, formatted_data_dict["lat"].data, formatted_data_dict["u"].data, formatted_data_dict["v"].data, formatted_data_dict["speed"].data, transform=crs.PlateCarree(), pivot="tip", rounding=False, cmap=mpl_colors_info["cmap"], flip_barb=formatted_data_dict["flip_barb"], # barb_increments=dict(half=10, full=20, flag=50), sizes=formatted_data_dict["sizes_dict"], length=formatted_data_dict["barb_length"], linewidth=formatted_data_dict["line_width"], norm=mpl_colors_info["norm"], zorder=1, )
[docs]def output_clean_windbarbs( area_def, clean_fnames, mpl_colors_info, image_datetime, formatted_data_dict, fig=None, main_ax=None, mapobj=None, ): """Plot and save "clean" windbarb imagery. No background imagery, coastlines, gridlines, titles, etc. Returns ------- list of str Full paths to all resulting output files. """"Starting clean_fname") if fig is None and main_ax is None and mapobj is None: # Create matplotlib figure and main axis, where the main image will be plotted fig, main_ax, mapobj = create_figure_and_main_ax_and_mapobj( area_def.x_size, area_def.y_size, area_def, noborder=True ) plot_barbs(main_ax, mapobj, mpl_colors_info, formatted_data_dict) success_outputs = [] if clean_fnames is not None: for clean_fname in clean_fnames: success_outputs += save_image( fig, clean_fname, is_final=False, image_datetime=image_datetime ) return success_outputs
[docs]def format_windbarb_data(xarray_obj, product_name): """Format windbarb data before plotting.""" # lat=xarray_obj['latitude'].to_masked_array() # lon2=xarray_obj['longitude'].to_masked_array() # direction=xarray_obj['wind_dir_deg_met'].to_masked_array() # speed=xarray_obj['wind_speed_kts'].to_masked_array() # u=speed * numpy.sin((direction+180)*3.1415926/180.0) # v=speed * numpy.cos((direction+180)*3.1415926/180.0) # u=speed * numpy.sin(direction*3.1415926/180.0) # v=speed * numpy.cos(direction*3.1415926/180.0) num_product_arrays = 1 if len(xarray_obj[product_name].shape) == 3: num_product_arrays = xarray_obj[product_name].shape[2] # This is 2-D, with only one array per variable (speed, direction, # rain_flag) - meaning NO ambiguities if len(xarray_obj[product_name].shape) == 3 and num_product_arrays == 3: speed = xarray_obj[product_name].to_masked_array()[:, :, 0] direction = xarray_obj[product_name].to_masked_array()[:, :, 1] rain_flag = xarray_obj[product_name].to_masked_array()[:, :, 2] # This is 2-D, with FOUR arrays per variable (speed, direction, rain_flag) # - meaning 4 ambiguities elif len(xarray_obj[product_name].shape) == 3 and num_product_arrays == 12: speed = xarray_obj[product_name].to_masked_array()[:, :, 0:4] direction = xarray_obj[product_name].to_masked_array()[:, :, 4:8] rain_flag = xarray_obj[product_name].to_masked_array()[:, :, 8:12] # This is 1-D, with one vector per variable - no ambiguities. else: speed = xarray_obj[product_name].to_masked_array()[:, 0] direction = xarray_obj[product_name].to_masked_array()[:, 1] rain_flag = xarray_obj[product_name].to_masked_array()[:, 2] # These should probably be specified in the product dictionary. # It will vary per-sensor / data type, these basically only currently work with # ASCAT 25 km data. # This would also avoid having the product names hard coded in the output # module code. prod_plugin = xarray_obj.attrs.get("product_plugin", {}) try: barb_args = prod_plugin["spec"]["windbarb_plotter"]["plugin"]["arguments"] except KeyError: barb_args = {} if barb_args: # Thinning the data points to better display the windbards thinning = barb_args["thinning"] barblength = barb_args["length"] linewidth = barb_args["width"] sizes_dict = barb_args["sizes_dict"] rain_size = barb_args["rain_size"] elif product_name == "windbarbs": # Thinning the data points to better display the windbards thinning = 1 # skip data points barblength = 5.0 linewidth = 1.5 sizes_dict = dict(height=0.7, spacing=0.3) rain_size = 10 elif product_name == "wind-ambiguities" or "wind-ambiguities" in product_name: # Thinning the data points to better display the windbards thinning = 1 # skip data points barblength = 5 # Length of individual barbs linewidth = 2 # Width of individual barbs rain_size = 10 # Marker size for rain_flag sizes_dict = dict( height=0, spacing=0, width=0, # flag width, relative to barblength emptybarb=0.5, ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown product {product_name}") lat = xarray_obj["latitude"].to_masked_array() lon2 = xarray_obj["longitude"].to_masked_array() u = speed * numpy.sin((direction + 180) * 3.1415926 / 180.0) v = speed * numpy.cos((direction + 180) * 3.1415926 / 180.0) # convert longitudes to (-180,180) # lon=utils.wrap_longitudes(lon2) # Must be 0-360 for barbs lon = < 0, lon2 + 360, lon2) if len(lat.shape) == 2: lat2 = lat[::thinning, ::thinning] lon2 = lon[::thinning, ::thinning] u2 = u[::thinning, ::thinning] v2 = v[::thinning, ::thinning] speed2 = speed[::thinning, ::thinning] rain_flag2 = rain_flag[::thinning, ::thinning] elif len(lat.shape) == 1: lat2 = lat[::thinning] lon2 = lon[::thinning] u2 = u[::thinning] v2 = v[::thinning] speed2 = speed[::thinning] rain_flag2 = rain_flag[::thinning] if lat2.min() > 0: flip_barb = False elif lat2.max() < 0: flip_barb = True else: flip_barb = > 0, False, True).data good_inds = return_dict = {} if len(lon2.shape) != len(speed2.shape): return_dict["lon"] = lon2[good_inds[0:2]] else: return_dict["lon"] = lon2[good_inds] if len(lat2.shape) != len(speed2.shape): return_dict["lat"] = lat2[good_inds[0:2]] else: return_dict["lat"] = lat2[good_inds] if flip_barb is not True and flip_barb is not False: if len(flip_barb.shape) != len(speed2.shape): return_dict["flip_barb"] = flip_barb[good_inds[0:2]] else: return_dict["flip_barb"] = flip_barb[good_inds] else: return_dict["flip_barb"] = flip_barb return_dict["u"] = u2[good_inds] return_dict["v"] = v2[good_inds] return_dict["speed"] = speed2[good_inds] return_dict["rain_inds"] =[good_inds]) return_dict["barb_length"] = barblength return_dict["line_width"] = linewidth return_dict["sizes_dict"] = sizes_dict return_dict["rain_size"] = rain_size return return_dict
[docs]def call( area_def, xarray_obj, product_name, output_fnames, clean_fname=None, product_name_title=None, mpl_colors_info=None, feature_annotator=None, gridline_annotator=None, product_datatype_title=None, bg_data=None, bg_mpl_colors_info=None, bg_xarray=None, bg_product_name_title=None, bg_datatype_title=None, remove_duplicate_minrange=None, title_copyright=None, title_formatter=None, ): """Plot annotated windbarbs on matplotlib figure.""""Startig imagery_windbarbs") if product_name_title is None: product_name_title = product_name success_outputs = [] # Plot windbarbs formatted_data_dict = format_windbarb_data(xarray_obj, product_name) if clean_fname is not None: success_outputs += output_clean_windbarbs( area_def, [clean_fname], mpl_colors_info, xarray_obj.start_datetime, formatted_data_dict, ) if output_fnames is not None:"Starting output_fnames") # Create matplotlib figure and main axis, where the main image will be plotted fig, main_ax, mapobj = create_figure_and_main_ax_and_mapobj( area_def.x_size, area_def.y_size, area_def, existing_mapobj=None, noborder=False, ) if bg_data is not None: if not bg_mpl_colors_info: bg_mpl_colors_info = set_matplotlib_colors_standard( data_range=[bg_data.min(), bg_data.max()], cmap_name="Greys", cbar_label=None, create_colorbar=False, ) # Plot the background data on a map plot_image(main_ax, bg_data, mapobj, mpl_colors_info=bg_mpl_colors_info) plot_barbs(main_ax, mapobj, mpl_colors_info, formatted_data_dict) # Set the title for final image title_string = get_title_string_from_objects( area_def, xarray_obj, product_name_title, product_datatype_title=product_datatype_title, bg_xarray=bg_xarray, bg_product_name_title=bg_product_name_title, bg_datatype_title=bg_datatype_title, title_copyright=title_copyright, title_formatter=title_formatter, ) set_title(main_ax, title_string, area_def.y_size) if mpl_colors_info["colorbar"] is True: # Create the colorbar to match the mpl_colors create_colorbar(fig, mpl_colors_info) # Plot gridlines and feature overlays plot_overlays( mapobj, main_ax, area_def, feature_annotator=feature_annotator, gridline_annotator=gridline_annotator, ) for annotated_fname in output_fnames: # Save the final image success_outputs += save_image( fig, annotated_fname, is_final=True, image_datetime=xarray_obj.start_datetime, ) return success_outputs