Source code for geoips.plugins.modules.readers.atms_hdf5

# # # Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited.
# # #
# # # Author:
# # # Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division
# # #
# # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# # # the terms of the NRLMMD License included with this program. This program is
# # # distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# # # for more details. If you did not receive the license, for more information see:
# # #

"""Reader to read a grannual NOAA ATMS SDR TBs in h5 format.

Output variables in xarray object for geoips processing system

V0:   August 25, 2021

The date is generated by the NOAA community satellite processing package
(CSPP), developed at CIMSS

Example of ATMS file names::

        SDR TBs variables
        SDR Geolocation variables

Dataset info::

    TB[12,96,22]:  for each granuel

    CHAN#  Center-Freq(GHz)  POL
    1      23.8               V
    2      31.4               V
    3      50.3               H
    4      51.76              H
    5      52.8               H
    6      53.596+-0.115      H
    7      54.4               H
    8      54.94              H
    9      55.5               H
    10     57.290(f0)         H
    11     f0 +-0.217         H
    12     f0 +-0.322+-0.048  H
    13     f0 +-0.322+-0.022  H
    14     f0 +-0.322+-0.010  H
    15     f0 +-0.322+-0.0045 H

    16     88.2               V
    17     165.5              H
    18     183.1+-7           H
    19     183.1+-4.5         H    (FNMOC used this chan for 183 GHz image)
    20     183.1+-3.0         H
    21     183.1+-1.8         H
    22     183.1+-1.0         H

    BeamTime[12,96]:  microsecond, i.e., 1*10^-6.  IET "IDPS Epoch Time" is used
                      It is a signed 64-bit integer giving microseconds since
                      00:00:00.000000 Jan 1 1958.
    BrightnessTemperatureFactors[2]: 1: scale (unitless); 2: offset (K)
    BrightnessTemperature[12,96,22]: [scan,pix,chans]

    SDR geolocation Info
    Latitude/Longitude[12,96]:   for Chan 17 only (for initial product,
                                                   it is used for all channels)
    BeamLatitude[12,96,5]:       for chan 1,2,3,16,17. They will be used for
                                            associated TBs at a later date.
    BeamLongitude[12,96,5]:      for chan 1,2,3,16,17
    SatelliteAzimuthAngle, SatelliteZenithAngle,
    SolarAzimuthAngle, SolarZenithAngle[12,96]

Unix epoch time is defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed
since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT). Thus, there is a 12 years
difference for the JPSS data when
datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(epoch) is used
to convert the JPSS IDPS Epoch time to the humman-readable date.

This reader is developed to read one granual a time from ATMS npp and
jpss-1(n20) data files.

The example files are:

* ``SATMS_j01_d20210809_t0959306_e1000023_b19296_fnmoc_ops.h5``: for TBs.  'b': orbit#
* ``GATMO_j01_d20210809_t0959306_e1000023_b19296_fnmoc_ops.h5``: for geolocations
# Python Standard Libraries

from os.path import basename

import h5py
import numpy as np
import datetime
import xarray as xr
from astropy.time import Time
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
import logging

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

interface = "readers"
family = "standard"
name = "atms_hdf5"

# from IPython import embed as shell

# list of variables selected from input files
atms_vars = [

# unify common names for sat/sun-zenith and azimuth angles
xvarnames = {
    "SolarZenithAngle": "solar_zenith_angle",
    "SolarAzimuthAngle": "solar_azimuth_angle",
    "SatelliteZenithAngle": "satellite_zenith_angle",
    "SatelliteAzimuthAngle": "satellite_azimuth_angle",

final_xarray = xr.Dataset()  # define a xarray to hold all selected variables

[docs]def convert_epoch_to_datetime64(time_array, use_shape=None): """Convert time to datetime object. Parameters ---------- time_array : array Array of start time integers (multiplied by 1e-6 in function) use_shape : tuple, optional desired output shape of time array, by default None Returns ------- array array of converted datetime objects """ # Convert TAI to UTC using astropy utc_time = Time(time_array / 1e6, format="unix_tai").utc.datetime # ATMS Epoch starts at 1958-01-01, not 1970-01-01 utc_time -= relativedelta(years=12) # Either convert 1D array to 2D, or return original shape if time_array.ndim == 1 and use_shape: nscan, npix = use_shape converted_time = np.zeros((nscan, npix)).astype(datetime.datetime) for i in range(nscan): converted_time[i, :] = utc_time[i] else: converted_time = utc_time return converted_time.astype(np.datetime64)
[docs]def read_atms_file(fname, xarray_atms): """Read ATCF data from file fname.""" fileobj = h5py.File(fname, mode="r") # check for available variables from nput file if "ATMS-SDR_All" in fileobj["All_Data"].keys(): # for TB-data data_select = fileobj["All_Data"]["ATMS-SDR_All"] tb = data_select["BrightnessTemperature"][()] tb_time = data_select["BeamTime"][()] tb_factor = data_select["BrightnessTemperatureFactors"][()] # convert tb to actual values tbs = tb * tb_factor[0] + tb_factor[1] # TBs for selected channels V23 = tbs[:, :, 0] V31 = tbs[:, :, 1] H50 = tbs[:, :, 2] V89 = tbs[:, :, 15] H165 = tbs[:, :, 16] H183 = tbs[:, :, 18] # to match the 183+-4.5 GHz channel used by FNMOC # get UTC time in datetime64 format required by geoips for each pixel time_scan = convert_epoch_to_datetime64(tb_time) # make dict of numpy arrays ingested = { "V23": V23, "V31": V31, "H50": H50, "V89": V89, "H165": H165, "H183": H183, "sdr_time": time_scan, } if "ATMS-SDR-GEO_All" in fileobj["All_Data"].keys(): # for geo-data data_select = fileobj["All_Data"]["ATMS-SDR-GEO_All"] lat = data_select["Latitude"][()] lon = data_select["Longitude"][()] solar_zenith_angle = data_select["SolarZenithAngle"][()] solar_azimuth_angle = data_select["SolarAzimuthAngle"][()] satellite_zenith_angle = data_select["SatelliteZenithAngle"][()] satellite_azimuth_angle = data_select["SatelliteAzimuthAngle"][()] StartTime = data_select["StartTime"][()] # get UTC time in datetime64 format required by geoips for each pixel time_scan = convert_epoch_to_datetime64(StartTime, use_shape=lon.shape) # make dict of numpy arrays ingested = { "latitude": lat, "longitude": lon, "solar_zenith_angle": solar_zenith_angle, "solar_azimuth_angle": solar_azimuth_angle, "satellite_zenith_angle": satellite_zenith_angle, "satellite_azimuth_angle": satellite_azimuth_angle, "geo_time": time_scan, } # close the h5 object fileobj.close() # ------ setup xarray variables ------ for key, data in ingested.items(): if key not in xarray_atms.variables.keys(): final_xarray[key] = xr.DataArray(data) else: merged_array = np.vstack([xarray_atms[key], data]) final_xarray[key] = xr.DataArray( merged_array, dims=["dim_" + str(merged_array.shape[0]), "dim_1"] ) # Set official time to either sdr_time or geo_time final_keys = final_xarray.variables.keys() if "sdr_time" in final_keys: final_xarray["time"] = final_xarray["sdr_time"] else: final_xarray["time"] = final_xarray["geo_time"] return final_xarray
[docs]def call(fnames, metadata_only=False, chans=None, area_def=None, self_register=False): """Read ATMS hdf5 data products. Parameters ---------- fnames : list * List of strings, full paths to files metadata_only : bool, default=False * NOT YET IMPLEMENTED * Return before actually reading data if True chans : list of str, default=None * NOT YET IMPLEMENTED * List of desired channels (skip unneeded variables as needed). * Include all channels if None. area_def : pyresample.AreaDefinition, default=None * NOT YET IMPLEMENTED * Specify region to read * Read all data if None. self_register : str or bool, default=False * NOT YET IMPLEMENTED * register all data to the specified dataset id (as specified in the return dictionary keys). * Read multiple resolutions of data if False. Returns ------- dict of xarray.Datasets * dictionary of xarray.Dataset objects with required Variables and Attributes. * Dictionary keys can be any descriptive dataset ids. See Also -------- :ref:`xarray_standards` Additional information regarding required attributes and variables for GeoIPS-formatted xarray Datasets. """"Reading files %s", fnames) if metadata_only is True: # read-in datafiles first time if 'metadata_only= True' xarray_atms = xr.Dataset() source_file_names = [] for fname in fnames: xarray_atms = read_atms_file(fname, xarray_atms) source_file_names += [basename(fname)] # name of last file from input files xarray_atms.attrs["source_file_names"] = source_file_names # setup attributors fileobj = h5py.File(fname, mode="r") from geoips.xarray_utils.time import ( get_max_from_xarray_time, get_min_from_xarray_time, ) xarray_atms.attrs["start_datetime"] = get_min_from_xarray_time( xarray_atms, "time" ) xarray_atms.attrs["end_datetime"] = get_max_from_xarray_time( xarray_atms, "time" ) xarray_atms.attrs["source_name"] = "atms" xarray_atms.attrs["platform_name"] = fileobj.attrs["Platform_Short_Name"][ 0, 0 ].decode( "utf-8" ) # could be changed if needed xarray_atms.attrs["data_provider"] = "NOAA" # MTIFs need to be "prettier" for PMW products, so 2km resolution for # final image xarray_atms.attrs["sample_distance_km"] = 2 xarray_atms.attrs[ "interpolation_radius_of_influence" ] = 30000 # could be tuned if needed fileobj.close() else: # if 'metadata_only= False', it is for the second time to read-in datafiles xarray_atms = final_xarray # avoid read the data the second time return {"METADATA": xarray_atms[[]], "ATMS": xarray_atms}