Source code for geoips.plugins.modules.readers.gmi_hdf5

# # # Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited.
# # #
# # # Author:
# # # Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division
# # #
# # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# # # the terms of the NRLMMD License included with this program. This program is
# # # distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# # # for more details. If you did not receive the license, for more information see:
# # #

"""Read NASA GPM GMI hdf5 data files.

Read a grannual NASA GPM GMI TBs in h5 format (each grannual file is about
5 minutes GPM GMI data)

Output variables in xarray object for geoips processing system

V0:   August 4, 2020

Dataset information::

    variables in original TBs structure format
    tb_info = { 'S1': {  'tb10v': 0,
                         'tb10h': 1,
                         'tb19v': 2,
                         'tb19h': 3,
                         'tb23v': 4,
                         'tb37v': 5,
                         'tb37h': 6,
                         'tb89v': 7,
                         'tb89h': 8,},
                 'S2': { 'tb166v': 0,
                         'tb166h': 1,
                         'tb183_3v': 2,
                         'tb183_7v': 3}
# Python Standard Libraries
from os.path import basename

import h5py
import numpy as np

import logging

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

interface = "readers"
family = "standard"
name = "gmi_hdf5"

[docs]def read_gmi_file(fname, xarray_gmi): """Read a single GMI file fname.""" fileobj = h5py.File(fname, mode="r") import pandas as pd import xarray as xr import numpy # get the variables ( tbt/lon(nscan,npix), tb(nscan,npix,nChan),....., time(ns)) lon = fileobj["S1"]["Longitude"][()] lat = fileobj["S1"]["Latitude"][()] tb = fileobj["S1"]["Tb"][()] tb_hi = fileobj["S2"]["Tb"][()] # for 166 and 183-7 GHz # time info for each scan yy = fileobj["S1"]["ScanTime"]["Year"][()] mo = fileobj["S1"]["ScanTime"]["Month"][()] dd = fileobj["S1"]["ScanTime"]["DayOfMonth"][()] hh = fileobj["S1"]["ScanTime"]["Hour"][()] mm = fileobj["S1"]["ScanTime"]["Minute"][()] ss = fileobj["S1"]["ScanTime"]["Second"][()] # setup time in datetime64 format required by geoips nscan = lat.shape[0] npix = lat.shape[1] # 221 pixels per scan time_scan = np.zeros((nscan, npix)) for i in range(nscan): time_scan[i:] = "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d" % ( yy[i], mo[i], dd[i], hh[i], mm[i], ss[i], ) # assignment of TB at each channel V10 = tb[:, :, 0] H10 = tb[:, :, 1] V19 = tb[:, :, 2] H19 = tb[:, :, 3] V23 = tb[:, :, 4] V37 = tb[:, :, 5] H37 = tb[:, :, 6] V89 = tb[:, :, 7] H89 = tb[:, :, 8] V166 = tb_hi[:, :, 0] H166 = tb_hi[:, :, 1] V183_3 = tb_hi[:, :, 2] V183_7 = tb_hi[:, :, 3] # close the h5 object fileobj.close() # ------ setup xarray variables ------ # namelist_gmi = ['latitude', 'longitude', 'V10', 'H10', 'V19','H19','V23', 'V37', 'H37', 'V89' ,'H89', # 'V166', 'H166', 'V183-3','V183-7', 'time'] final_xarray = xr.Dataset() if "latitude" not in xarray_gmi.variables.keys(): # setup GMI xarray final_xarray["latitude"] = xr.DataArray(lat) final_xarray["longitude"] = xr.DataArray(lon) final_xarray["V10"] = xr.DataArray(V10) final_xarray["H10"] = xr.DataArray(H10) final_xarray["V19"] = xr.DataArray(V19) final_xarray["H19"] = xr.DataArray(H19) final_xarray["V23"] = xr.DataArray(V23) final_xarray["V37"] = xr.DataArray(V37) final_xarray["H37"] = xr.DataArray(H37) final_xarray["V89"] = xr.DataArray(V89) final_xarray["H89"] = xr.DataArray(H89) final_xarray["V166"] = xr.DataArray(V166) final_xarray["H166"] = xr.DataArray(H166) final_xarray["V183-3"] = xr.DataArray(V183_3) final_xarray["V183-7"] = xr.DataArray(V183_7) final_xarray["time"] = xr.DataArray( pd.DataFrame(time_scan) .astype(int) .apply(pd.to_datetime, format="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") ) else: final_xarray["latitude"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack([xarray_gmi["latitude"].to_masked_array(), lat]) ) final_xarray["longitude"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack([xarray_gmi["longitude"].to_masked_array(), lon]) ) final_xarray["V10"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack([xarray_gmi["V10"].to_masked_array(), V10]) ) final_xarray["H10"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack([xarray_gmi["H10"].to_masked_array(), H10]) ) final_xarray["V19"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack([xarray_gmi["V19"].to_masked_array(), V19]) ) final_xarray["H19"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack([xarray_gmi["H19"].to_masked_array(), H19]) ) final_xarray["V23"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack([xarray_gmi["V23"].to_masked_array(), V23]) ) final_xarray["V37"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack([xarray_gmi["V37"].to_masked_array(), V37]) ) final_xarray["H37"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack([xarray_gmi["H37"].to_masked_array(), H37]) ) final_xarray["V89"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack([xarray_gmi["V89"].to_masked_array(), V89]) ) final_xarray["H89"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack([xarray_gmi["H89"].to_masked_array(), H89]) ) final_xarray["V166"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack([xarray_gmi["V166"].to_masked_array(), V166]) ) final_xarray["H166"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack([xarray_gmi["H166"].to_masked_array(), H166]) ) final_xarray["V183-3"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack([xarray_gmi["V183-3"].to_masked_array(), V183_3]) ) final_xarray["V183-7"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack([xarray_gmi["V183-7"].to_masked_array(), V183_7]) ) new_time = xr.DataArray( pd.DataFrame(time_scan) .astype(int) .apply(pd.to_datetime, format="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") ) final_xarray["time"] = xr.DataArray( numpy.vstack( [ xarray_gmi["time"].to_masked_array(), new_time.to_masked_array(), ] ) ) return final_xarray
[docs]def call(fnames, metadata_only=False, chans=None, area_def=None, self_register=False): """Read GMI hdf5 data products. Parameters ---------- fnames : list * List of strings, full paths to files metadata_only : bool, default=False * NOT YET IMPLEMENTED * Return before actually reading data if True chans : list of str, default=None * NOT YET IMPLEMENTED * List of desired channels (skip unneeded variables as needed). * Include all channels if None. area_def : pyresample.AreaDefinition, default=None * NOT YET IMPLEMENTED * Specify region to read * Read all data if None. self_register : str or bool, default=False * NOT YET IMPLEMENTED * register all data to the specified dataset id (as specified in the return dictionary keys). * Read multiple resolutions of data if False. Returns ------- dict of xarray.Datasets * dictionary of xarray.Dataset objects with required Variables and Attributes. * Dictionary keys can be any descriptive dataset ids. See Also -------- :ref:`xarray_standards` Additional information regarding required attributes and variables for GeoIPS-formatted xarray Datasets. """ import os from datetime import datetime import numpy as np import xarray as xr # from IPython import embed as shell # fname='data_gmi/20200518.203639.gpm.gmi.gpm_pps.x.gmi.TB2016.x.TB2016_1b_v05a.h5'"Reading files %s", fnames) xarray_gmi = xr.Dataset() source_file_names = [] for fname in fnames: source_file_names += [basename(fname)] xarray_gmi = read_gmi_file(fname, xarray_gmi) # setup attributors from geoips.xarray_utils.time import get_datetime_from_datetime64 from geoips.xarray_utils.time import ( get_max_from_xarray_time, get_min_from_xarray_time, ) xarray_gmi.attrs["source_file_names"] = sorted(source_file_names) xarray_gmi.attrs["start_datetime"] = get_min_from_xarray_time(xarray_gmi, "time") xarray_gmi.attrs["end_datetime"] = get_max_from_xarray_time(xarray_gmi, "time") xarray_gmi.attrs["source_name"] = "gmi" xarray_gmi.attrs["platform_name"] = "GPM" xarray_gmi.attrs["data_provider"] = "NASA" xarray_gmi.attrs["granule_minutes"] = 5 # MTIFs need to be "prettier" for PMW products, so 2km resolution for final image xarray_gmi.attrs["sample_distance_km"] = 2 xarray_gmi.attrs["interpolation_radius_of_influence"] = 12500 return {"GMI": xarray_gmi, "METADATA": xarray_gmi[[]]}