# # # Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited.
# # #
# # # Author:
# # # Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division
# # #
# # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# # # the terms of the NRLMMD License included with this program. This program is
# # # distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# # # for more details. If you did not receive the license, for more information see:
# # # https://github.com/U-S-NRL-Marine-Meteorology-Division/
"""Read SEVIRI hrit data.
1) At present, this reader does not work for High Resolution Visible data,
which is ignored. Additionally, to ease generation of geolocation fields,
datasets are assumed to be square and centered at their sub longitude.
20170330 MLS Try to only decompress what we need (VERY filename dependent),
make scifile and hrit channel names match (more filename dependence),
don't try to decompress/open file for import_metadata (more filename
dependence for time). satpy requires time to open file, and requires standard
(decompressed) filenames, so built in filename dependence by using satpy.
# Python Standard Libraries
import os
import logging
import numpy as np
from .utils.hrit_reader import HritFile, HritError
# Installed Libraries
# GeoIPS Libraries
from geoips.filenames.base_paths import PATHS as gpaths
from geoips.plugins.modules.readers.utils.geostationary_geolocation import (
import numexpr as ne
except ImportError:
print("Failed numexpr import in satnav.py. If you need it, install it.")
except NameError:
print("Failed ne.set_num_threads in satnav.py. If you need numexpr, install it.")
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# These should be added to the data file object
"Off_Of_Disk": -999.9,
"msg1": {"B01": 65.2296, "B02": 73.0127, "B03": 62.3715, "B12": 78.7599},
"msg2": {"B01": 65.2065, "B02": 73.1869, "B03": 61.9923, "B12": 79.0113},
"msg3": {"B01": 65.5148, "B02": 73.1807, "B03": 62.0208, "B12": 78.9416},
"msg4": {"B01": 65.2656, "B02": 73.1692, "B03": 61.9416, "B12": 79.0035},
"msg1": {
"B04": {"wn": 2567.330, "a": 0.9956, "b": 3.410}, # IR3.9 Water vapour channel
"B05": {"wn": 1598.103, "a": 0.9962, "b": 2.218}, # IR6.2 Water vapour channel
"B06": {"wn": 1362.081, "a": 0.9991, "b": 0.478}, # IR7.3 Water vapour channel
"B07": {"wn": 1149.069, "a": 0.9996, "b": 0.179}, # IR8.7 Atmospheric window
"B08": {"wn": 1034.343, "a": 0.9999, "b": 0.060}, # IR9.7 Ozone channel
"B09": {"wn": 930.647, "a": 0.9983, "b": 0.625}, # IR10.8 Atmospheric window
"B10": {"wn": 839.660, "a": 0.9988, "b": 0.397}, # IR12.0 Atmospheric window
"B11": {"wn": 752.387, "a": 0.9981, "b": 0.578},
}, # IR13.4 Carbon dioxide channel
"msg2": {
"B04": {"wn": 2568.832, "a": 0.9954, "b": 3.438}, # IR3.9 Water vapour channel
"B05": {"wn": 1600.548, "a": 0.9963, "b": 2.185}, # IR6.2 Water vapour channel
"B06": {"wn": 1360.330, "a": 0.9991, "b": 0.470}, # IR7.3 Water vapour channel
"B07": {"wn": 1148.620, "a": 0.9996, "b": 0.179}, # IR8.7 Atmospheric window
"B08": {"wn": 1035.289, "a": 0.9999, "b": 0.056}, # IR9.7 Ozone channel
"B09": {"wn": 931.700, "a": 0.9983, "b": 0.640}, # IR10.8 Atmospheric window
"B10": {"wn": 836.445, "a": 0.9988, "b": 0.408}, # IR12.0 Atmospheric window
"B11": {"wn": 751.792, "a": 0.9981, "b": 0.561},
}, # IR13.4 Carbon dioxide channel
"msg3": {
"B04": {"wn": 2547.771, "a": 0.9915, "b": 2.9002}, # IR3.9 Water vapour channel
"B05": {"wn": 1595.621, "a": 0.9960, "b": 2.0337}, # IR6.2 Water vapour channel
"B06": {"wn": 1360.377, "a": 0.9991, "b": 0.4340}, # IR7.3 Water vapour channel
"B07": {"wn": 1148.130, "a": 0.9996, "b": 0.1714}, # IR8.7 Atmospheric window
"B08": {"wn": 1034.715, "a": 0.9999, "b": 0.0527}, # IR9.7 Ozone channel
"B09": {"wn": 929.842, "a": 0.9983, "b": 0.6084}, # IR10.8 Atmospheric window
"B10": {"wn": 838.659, "a": 0.9988, "b": 0.3882}, # IR12.0 Atmospheric window
"B11": {"wn": 750.653, "a": 0.9982, "b": 0.5390},
}, # IR13.4 Carbon dioxide channel
"msg4": {
"B04": {"wn": 2555.280, "a": 0.9916, "b": 2.9438}, # IR3.9 Water vapour channel
"B05": {"wn": 1596.080, "a": 0.9959, "b": 2.0780}, # IR6.2 Water vapour channel
"B06": {"wn": 1361.748, "a": 0.9990, "b": 0.4929}, # IR7.3 Water vapour channel
"B07": {"wn": 1148.130, "a": 0.9996, "b": 0.1731}, # IR8.7 Atmospheric window
"B08": {"wn": 1034.851, "a": 0.9998, "b": 0.0597}, # IR9.7 Ozone channel
"B09": {"wn": 931.122, "a": 0.9983, "b": 0.6256}, # IR10.8 Atmospheric window
"B10": {"wn": 839.113, "a": 0.9988, "b": 0.4002}, # IR12.0 Atmospheric window
"B11": {"wn": 748.585, "a": 0.9981, "b": 0.5635},
} # IR13.4 Carbon dioxide channel
geolocation_variable_names = [
interface = "readers"
family = "standard"
name = "seviri_hrit"
[docs]def calculate_chebyshev_polynomial(coefs, start_dt, end_dt, dt):
"""Calculate Chebyshev Polynomial."""
start_to_end = (end_dt - start_dt).seconds
# dt_to_end = (end_dt - dt).seconds
start_to_dt = (dt - start_dt).seconds
t = (start_to_dt - 0.5 * (start_to_end)) / (0.5 * (start_to_end))
t2 = 2 * t
# I think this is what was in the documentation
# MSG_Level_1_5_Image_Data_Format_Description.pdf
# p 87 earth fixed coordinate frame
# p 124 decoding chebychev polynomial function
d = 0
dd = 0
for j in range(7, 1, -1):
save = d
d = t2 * d - dd + coefs[j]
dd = save
d = t * d - dd + 0.5 * coefs[0]
# f = -0.5 * coefs[0] # First term of Chebyshev polynomial
# f = f + coefs[0] # second term of Chebyshev polynomial
# f = f + coefs[1]*t # third term
# T_k_minus_3 = 1
# T_k_minus_2 = t
# T_k_minus_1 = t2*T_k_minus_2 - T_k_minus_3
## remaining terms recursively defined
# for xcoef in coefs[3:]:
# f = f + xcoef * T_k_minus_1
# T_k_minus_3 = T_k_minus_2
# T_k_minus_2 = T_k_minus_1
# T_k_minus_1 = t2*T_k_minus_2 - T_k_minus_3
##from IPython import embed as shell; shell()
return d
[docs]class XritError(Exception):
"""Raise exception on XritError."""
def __init__(self, msg, code=None):
"""Initialize XritError."""
self.code = code
self.value = msg
def __str__(self):
"""Return XritError string."""
if self.code:
return "{}: {}".format(self.code, self.value)
return self.value
[docs]def compare_dicts(d1, d2, skip=None):
"""Compare the values in two dictionaries.
If they are equal, return True, otherwise False
If skip is set and contains one of the keys, skip that key
if d1.keys() != d2.keys():
return False
for key in d1.keys():
if skip and key in skip:
if d1[key] != d2[key]:
return False
return True
[docs]def get_latitude_longitude(gmd, BADVALS, area_def):
"""Generate full-disk latitudes and longitudes."""
# Constants
pi = np.pi
rad2deg = 180.0 / pi
deg2rad = pi / 180.0
Rs = 42164 # Satellite altitude (km)
Re = 6378.1690 # Earth equatorial radius (km)
Rp = 6356.5838 # Earth polar radius (km)
r3 = Re**2 / Rp**2
sd_coeff = 1737122264 # If there is a problem for MSG use 1737121856
lon0 = gmd["lon0"]
deg2rad = np.pi / 180.0
x, y = np.meshgrid(
np.arange(0, gmd["num_samples"], 1), np.arange(0, gmd["num_lines"], 1)
x = np.fliplr(x)
y = np.fliplr(y)
x = deg2rad * (x - gmd["sample_offset"]) / (2**-16 * gmd["sample_scale"])
y = deg2rad * (y - gmd["line_offset"]) / (2**-16 * gmd["line_scale"])
cos_x = np.cos(x)
sin_x = np.sin(x)
cos_y = np.cos(y)
sin_y = np.sin(y)
sd = ne.evaluate("(Rs * cos_x * cos_y)**2 - (cos_y**2 + r3 * sin_y**2) * sd_coeff")
bad_mask = sd < 0.0
sd[bad_mask] = 0.0
sd **= 0.5
# Doing inplace operations when variables are no longer needed
# sd no longer needed
sn = sd
ne.evaluate("(Rs * cos_x * cos_y - sd) / (cos_y**2 + r3 * sin_y**2)", out=sn)
# cos_x no longer needed
s1 = cos_x
ne.evaluate("Rs - (sn * cos_x * cos_y)", out=s1)
# Nothing unneed, no inplace
s2 = ne.evaluate("sn * sin_x * cos_y")
# sin_y no longer needed
s3 = cos_y
ne.evaluate("-sn * sin_y", out=s3)
# sn no longer needed
sxy = sn
ne.evaluate("sqrt(s1**2 + s2**2)", out=sxy)
# s3 no longer needed
lats = s3
ne.evaluate("rad2deg * arctan(r3 * s3 / sxy)", out=lats)
# s1 no longer needed
lons = s1
ne.evaluate("rad2deg * arctan(s2 / s1) + lon0", out=lons)
lons[lons > 180.0] -= 360
# Set bad values
lats[bad_mask] = BADVALS["Off_Of_Disk"]
lons[bad_mask] = BADVALS["Off_Of_Disk"]
return lats, lons
# def get_low_res_geolocation_args(prologue):
def _get_geolocation_metadata(prologue, file_metadata):
"""Get geolocation metadata."""
geomet = {}
geomet["platform_name"] = file_metadata["platform_name"]
geomet["source_name"] = file_metadata["source_name"]
geomet["scan_mode"] = prologue["imageDescription"]["projectionDescription"][
# Used for cached filenames
geomet["scene"] = geomet["scan_mode"]
geomet["lon0"] = prologue["imageDescription"]["projectionDescription"][
geomet["num_lines"] = prologue["imageDescription"]["referenceGridVIS_IR"][
geomet["num_samples"] = prologue["imageDescription"]["referenceGridVIS_IR"][
geomet["line_scale"] = -13642337 # This will only work for low resolution data
geomet["sample_scale"] = -13642337
geomet["line_offset"] = geomet["num_lines"] / 2
geomet["sample_offset"] = geomet["num_samples"] / 2
geomet["start_datetime"] = prologue["imageAcquisition"]["plannedAcquisitionTime"][
geomet["H_m"] = 42164 * 1000.0 # Satellite altitude (m)
geomet["roi_factor"] = 10 # roi = res_km * 1000 * roi_factor
return geomet
[docs]def countsToRad(counts, slope, offset):
"""Convert counts to rad."""
rad = np.full_like(counts, -999.0)
rad[counts > 0] = offset + (slope * counts[counts > 0])
return rad
[docs]def radToRef(rad, sun_zen, platform, band):
"""Convert Rad to Ref."""
irrad = VIS_CALIB[platform][band]
ref = np.full_like(rad, -999.0)
# 0 to 1 rather than 0 to 100
ref[rad > 0] = rad[rad > 0] / irrad
# DO NOT REMOVE THIS STEP ALTOGETHER!!!! Just take out the solar zenith correction part.
# Previously, solar zenith correction was being applied twice, then we were off by factor of pi/irrad
# Now we should be good!
# ref[rad > 0] = np.pi * rad[rad > 0] / (irrad * np.cos((np.pi / 180) * sun_zen[rad > 0]))
ref[rad > 0] = np.pi * rad[rad > 0] / irrad
ref[ref < 0] = 0
ref[ref > 1] = 1
ref[sun_zen > 90] = -999.0
ref[sun_zen <= -999] = -999.0
return ref
[docs]def radToBT(rad, platform, band):
"""Convert rad to BT."""
c1 = 1.19104e-05
c2 = 1.43877
wn = IR_CALIB[platform][band]["wn"]
a = IR_CALIB[platform][band]["a"]
b = IR_CALIB[platform][band]["b"]
temp = np.full_like(rad, -999.0)
temp[rad > 0] = ((c2 * wn) / np.log(1 + wn**3 * c1 / rad[rad > 0]) - b) / a
return temp
[docs]class Chan(object):
"""Channel class."""
_good_names = [
"B01Ref", # VIS0.6 Cloud mapping
"B02Ref", # VIS0.8 Vegetation index
"B03Ref", # NIR1.6 Cloud / snow discrimination
"B04BT", # IR3.9 Atmospheric window
"B05BT", # IR6.2 Water vapour channel (Upper atmosphere)
"B06BT", # IR7.3 Water vapour channel (Lower atmosphere)
"B07BT", # IR8.7 Atmospheric window
"B08BT", # IR9.7 Ozone channel
"B09BT", # IR10.8 Atmospheric window
"B10BT", # IR12.0 Atmospheric window
] # IR13.4 Carbon dioxide channel
def __init__(self, name):
"""Initialize Chan object."""
if "B12" in name:
raise HritError(
"Channel 12 (High Resolution Visible) currently not handled."
if name not in self._good_names:
raise ValueError("Unknown channel name: {}".format(name))
self._name = name
self._band = name[0:3]
self._type = name[3:]
def name(self):
"""Name property."""
return self._name
def band(self):
"""Band property."""
return self._band
def band_num(self):
"""Band number property."""
return int(self._band[1:])
def type(self):
"""Type property."""
return self._type
[docs]class ChanList(object):
"""ChanList Class."""
def __init__(self, chans):
"""Initialize ChanList object."""
chans = set(chans)
self._info = {"chans": [Chan(chan) for chan in chans]}
self._info["names"] = list(set([chan.name for chan in self.chans]))
self._info["bands"] = list(set([chan.band for chan in self.chans]))
self._info["types"] = list(set([chan.type for chan in self.chans]))
def chans(self):
"""Chans property."""
return self._info["chans"]
def names(self):
"""Names property."""
return self._info["names"]
def bands(self):
"""Bands property."""
return self._info["bands"]
def _all_types_for_bands(cls, bands):
"""List all types for bands."""
good_names = Chan._good_names
chans = set()
for chan in good_names:
for band in bands:
if band in chan:
return cls(chans)
[docs]def call(fnames, metadata_only=False, chans=None, area_def=None, self_register=False):
"""Read SEVIRI hrit data products.
fnames : list
* List of strings, full paths to files
metadata_only : bool, default=False
* Return before actually reading data if True
chans : list of str, default=None
* List of desired channels (skip unneeded variables as needed).
* Include all channels if None.
area_def : pyresample.AreaDefinition, default=None
* Specify region to read
* Read all data if None.
self_register : str or bool, default=False
* register all data to the specified dataset id (as specified in the
return dictionary keys).
* Read multiple resolutions of data if False.
dict of xarray.Datasets
* dictionary of xarray.Dataset objects with required Variables and
* Dictionary keys can be any descriptive dataset ids.
See Also
Additional information regarding required attributes and variables
for GeoIPS-formatted xarray Datasets.
gvars = {}
datavars = {}
adname = "undefined"
# Remove any HRV files from file list
# See note 1 at top of module
fnames = [fname for fname in fnames if not any(val in fname for val in ["HRV"])]
# Check inputs
if self_register and self_register != "LOW":
raise XritError(
"Unknown resolution supplied to self_register: {}".format(self_register)
if area_def:
adname = area_def.name
except AttributeError:
TypeError("Keyword area_def must be of type Sector.")
adname = "FULL_DISK"
import xarray
xarray_obj = xarray.Dataset()
# Gather top-level metadata. MUst pass ALL fnames to make sure we
# use a datafile, and not pro or epi (they do not contain projection
# information)
xarray_obj.attrs = get_top_level_metadata(fnames, area_def)
# chans == [] specifies we don't want to read ANY data, just metadata.
# chans == None specifies that we are not specifying a channel list,
# and thus want ALL channels.
if metadata_only:
# If NO CHANNELS were specifically requested, just return at this
# point with the metadata fields populated. A dummy SciFile dataset
# will be created with only metadata. This is for checking what
# platform/source combination we are using, etc.
return {"METADATA": xarray_obj}
# Create file objects for each input file and organize
dfs = {}
pro = None
epi = None
sdt = None
imgf = None
all_segs = set()
from struct import error as structerror
for fname in fnames:
df = HritFile(fname)
except structerror:
# Don't fail altogether if there is one bad file
LOG.exception("FAILED reader %s, skipping", fname)
# Ensure all files have same start datetime
if not sdt:
sdt = df.start_datetime
if df.start_datetime != sdt:
raise HritError(
"Start date time does not match for all files: {}".format(fnames)
# Get prologue
if df.file_type == "prologue":
pro = df.prologue
dt = xarray_obj.attrs["start_datetime"]
# xarray_obj.attrs['prologue'] = pro
for poly in df.prologue["satelliteStatus"]["orbit"]["orbitPolynomial"]:
if dt <= poly["endTime"] and dt >= poly["startTime"]:
LOG.info("Calculating x/y/z satellite location")
st = poly["startTime"]
et = poly["endTime"]
xcoef = poly["X"]
ycoef = poly["Y"]
zcoef = poly["Z"]
x = calculate_chebyshev_polynomial(xcoef, st, et, dt)
y = calculate_chebyshev_polynomial(ycoef, st, et, dt)
z = calculate_chebyshev_polynomial(zcoef, st, et, dt)
xarray_obj.attrs["satECF_m"] = {}
xarray_obj.attrs["satECF_m"]["x"] = x * 1000
xarray_obj.attrs["satECF_m"]["y"] = y * 1000
xarray_obj.attrs["satECF_m"]["z"] = z * 1000
# from IPython import embed as shell; shell()
# Get epilogue
elif df.file_type == "epilogue":
epi = df.epilogue
xarray_obj.attrs["epilogue"] = epi
# Store data files, organized by band, then segment
elif df.file_type == "image":
# Ensure all files have the same geolocation information
if not imgf:
imgf = df
if not compare_dicts(
skip=["line_offset", "sample_offset"],
raise HritError(
"Geolocation metadata do not match for image files: {}".format(
# Initialize band info with None for eight segments
if df.band not in dfs:
dfs[df.band] = {num: None for num in range(1, 9)}
dfs[df.band][df.segment] = df
LOG.warning("Unhandled file type encountered: {}".format(df.file_type))
if not pro:
raise HritError("No prologue file found")
# If specific channels were requested, check them against the input data
if chans:
chlist = ChanList(list(set(chans) - set(geolocation_variable_names)))
for chan in chlist.chans:
if chan.band not in dfs.keys():
raise ValueError(
"Requested channel {} not found in input data.".format(chan.name)
# If no specific channels were requested, get everything
chlist = ChanList._all_types_for_bands(dfs.keys())
xarray_obj.attrs["datavars"] = {}
# Gather geolocation data
# Assume the datetime is the same for all resolution. Not true, but close enough.
# This saves us from having slightly different solar angles for each channel.
gmd = _get_geolocation_metadata(pro, xarray_obj.attrs)
fldk_lats, fldk_lons = get_latitude_longitude(gmd, BADVALS, area_def)
gvars[adname] = get_geolocation(sdt, gmd, fldk_lats, fldk_lons, BADVALS, area_def)
# Drop files for channels other than those requested and decompress
outdir = os.path.join(
from geoips.filenames.base_paths import make_dirs
# Can not change dictionary size during iteration for Python 3
skip_bands = []
for band in dfs.keys():
if band not in chlist.bands:
skip_bands += [band]
# dfs.pop(band)
# dfs[band] = {seg: df.decompress(outdir) for seg, df in dfs[band].items()}
skip_segs = []
for seg, df in dfs[band].items():
if df is None:
skip_segs += [seg]
# dfs[band].pop(seg)
dfs[band][seg] = df.decompress(outdir)
except HritError as resp:
skip_segs += [seg]
"FAILED DECOMPRESSING, %s, SKIPPING FILE %s", str(resp), df.name
for skip_seg in skip_segs:
for skip_band in skip_bands:
# Create data arrays for requested data and read count data
num_lines = pro["imageDescription"]["referenceGridVIS_IR"]["numberOfLines"]
num_samples = pro["imageDescription"]["referenceGridVIS_IR"]["numberOfColumns"]
count_data = {}
annotation_metadata = {}
for band in chlist.bands:
if len(dfs[band].items()) == 0:
LOG.error("No data in band %s, SKIPPING", band)
# Create empty full-disk array for this channel
data = np.full((num_lines, num_samples), -999.9, dtype=float)
# Read data into data array
for seg, df in dfs[band].items():
seg_num_lines = df.metadata["block_1"]["num_lines"]
start_line = seg_num_lines * (seg - 1)
end_line = seg_num_lines * seg
data[start_line:end_line, 0:] = df._read_image_data()
except ValueError as resp:
LOG.info("Read band %s %s" % (band, df.annotation_metadata["band"]))
if "Lines" in gvars[adname]:
count_data[band] = data[gvars[adname]["Lines"], gvars[adname]["Samples"]]
count_data[band] = data
annotation_metadata[band] = df.annotation_metadata
datavars[adname] = {}
radiances = {}
image_cal = pro["radiometricProcessing"]["level15ImageCalibration"]
for chan in chlist.chans:
counts = count_data[chan.band]
if chan.band not in radiances:
band_cal = image_cal[chan.band_num - 1]
offset = band_cal["offset"]
slope = band_cal["slope"]
radiances[chan.band] = countsToRad(counts, slope, offset)
if chan.type == "Rad":
datavars[adname][chan.name] = radiances[chan.band]
if chan.type == "Ref":
"Calculating reflectances for %s, data range %f to %f",
datavars[adname][chan.name] = radToRef(
"Final reflectances for %s, data range %f to %f",
if chan.type == "BT":
"Calculating brightness temperatures for %s, data range %f to %f",
datavars[adname][chan.name] = radToBT(
radiances[chan.band], xarray_obj.attrs["satellite_name"], chan.band
"Final brightness temperatures for %s, data range %f to %f",
if adname not in xarray_obj.attrs["datavars"].keys():
xarray_obj.attrs["datavars"][adname] = {}
if chan.name not in xarray_obj.attrs["datavars"].keys():
xarray_obj.attrs["datavars"][adname][chan.name] = {}
xarray_obj.attrs["datavars"][adname][chan.name]["wavelength"] = float(
+ "."
+ annotation_metadata[chan.band]["band"][5:]
gvars[adname]["latitude"] = np.ma.masked_less_equal(gvars[adname]["latitude"], -999)
toplat = gvars[adname]["latitude"][np.ma.where(gvars[adname]["latitude"])][0]
bottomlat = gvars[adname]["latitude"][np.ma.where(gvars[adname]["latitude"])][-1]
for var in gvars[adname].keys():
if toplat < bottomlat:
gvars[adname][var] = np.ma.masked_less_equal(
np.flipud(gvars[adname][var]), -999
gvars[adname][var] = np.ma.masked_less_equal(gvars[adname][var], -999)
if "satellite_zenith_angle" in gvars[adname].keys():
gvars[adname][var] = np.ma.masked_where(
gvars[adname]["satellite_zenith_angle"] > 75, gvars[adname][var]
for var in datavars[adname].keys():
if toplat < bottomlat:
datavars[adname][var] = np.ma.masked_less_equal(
np.flipud(datavars[adname][var]), -999
datavars[adname][var] = np.ma.masked_less_equal(datavars[adname][var], -999)
if "satellite_zenith_angle" in gvars[adname].keys():
datavars[adname][var] = np.ma.masked_where(
gvars[adname]["satellite_zenith_angle"] > 75, datavars[adname][var]
xarray_objs = {}
for dsname in datavars.keys():
xobj = xarray.Dataset()
xobj.attrs = xarray_obj.attrs.copy()
for varname in datavars[dsname].keys():
xobj[varname] = xarray.DataArray(datavars[dsname][varname])
for varname in gvars[dsname].keys():
xobj[varname] = xarray.DataArray(gvars[dsname][varname])
if hasattr(xobj.attrs, "area_definition") and xobj.area_definition is not None:
xobj.attrs["interpolation_radius_of_influence"] = max(
xobj.area_definition.pixel_size_x, xobj.area_definition.pixel_size_y
xobj.attrs["interpolation_radius_of_influence"] = 10000
xarray_objs[dsname] = xobj
xarray_objs["METADATA"] = list(xarray_objs.values())[0][[]]
LOG.info("Done reading SEVIRI data for {}".format(adname))
return xarray_objs