Source code for geoips.sector_utils.estimate_area_extent

# # # Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited.
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# # # Author:
# # # Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division
# # #
# # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
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"""Utility for estimating the area extent, used in pyresample area definitions."""

import argparse
import numpy as np
from string import Template


[docs]def generateMinMaxLatLong(lat_0, lon_0, height, width, resolution): """Generate minimum and maximum latitude longitude pairs. Min/max lat/lon based off the resolution and height/width provided. Parameters ---------- lat_0, lon_0 : float Pair of latitude and longitude coordinates in degrees height, width, resolution : int Represents pixel dimensions and resolution of image in meters Returns ------- list of floats min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon """ phi_1 = np.deg2rad(lat_0) phi_2 = np.deg2rad(lon_0) lat_distance = height * resolution lon_distance = width * resolution lat_rad_dist = lat_distance / EARTH_RADIUS_METERS lon_rad_dist = lon_distance / EARTH_RADIUS_METERS min_lat = np.rad2deg(phi_1 - lat_rad_dist) max_lat = np.rad2deg(phi_1 + lat_rad_dist) delta_lon = np.arcsin(np.sin(lon_rad_dist) / np.cos(phi_1)) min_lon = np.rad2deg(phi_2 - delta_lon) max_lon = np.rad2deg(phi_2 + delta_lon) return [min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon]
[docs]def haversine_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): """Calculate the distance between two latitude and longitude points. Uses the haversine formula. Parameters ---------- lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 : float Pair of latitude and longitude coordinates in degrees Returns ------- float Distance in meters between two coordinates """ # Haversine formula: # a = sin^2( delta_phiΔφ/2) + cos(phi_1) * cos(phi_2) * sin^2(Δdelta_lambdaλ/2) # c = 2 * atan2( sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a) ) # d = R * c # Convert lats and lons to radians phi_1 = np.deg2rad(lat1) phi_2 = np.deg2rad(lat2) d_phi = np.deg2rad(lat2 - lat1) d_lambda = np.deg2rad(lon2 - lon1) # Calculate haversine distance a = ( np.sin(d_phi / 2.0) ** 2 + np.cos(phi_1) * np.cos(phi_2) * np.sin(d_lambda / 2.0) ** 2 ) c = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1 - a)) d = EARTH_RADIUS_METERS * c return d
[docs]def convert_west2east(longitude): """Convert Longitude from degrees West to degrees East, if applicable. Parameters ---------- longitude : float Longitude (degrees West or East) Returns ------- float Longitude in degrees East """ if longitude < 0: lon_east = longitude + 360 else: lon_east = longitude return lon_east
[docs]def center_longitude(min_longitude, max_longitude): """Determine the center longitude based off longitude in either degW or degE. Parameters ---------- min_longitude, max_longitude : float Min and Max Longitude (degrees West or East) Returns ------- float Center longitude in degrees West or East """ min_lonE = convert_west2east(min_longitude) max_lonE = convert_west2east(max_longitude) if min_lonE > max_lonE: # Prime meridian edge case (e.g. -5W - 5E) center_lon = (min_longitude + max_longitude) / 2.0 else: center_lon = (min_lonE + max_lonE) / 2.0 if center_lon > 180: center_lon -= 360 return center_lon
[docs]def estimate_area_extent(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon, resolution): """Estimate the area extent for use in the YAML area definition. Parameters ---------- min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon : float Min/Max lat/lon values in degrees resolution : float Resolution in meters Returns ------- dict Dictionary holding: * lower_left_xy - list of projection x/y coordinates of lower left corner of lower left pixel * upper_right_xy - list of projection x/y coordinates of upper right corner of upper right pixel * height - number of grid rows * width - number of grid columns * lat_0 - Center latitude in degrees * lon_0 - Center longitude in degrees """ if min_lat == max_lat: raise ValueError("MIN_LAT and MAX_LAT must be different") if min_lon == max_lon: raise ValueError("MIN_LON and MAX_LON must be different") # Convert all longitude points to degrees east min_lonE = convert_west2east(min_lon) max_lonE = convert_west2east(max_lon) center_lat = (min_lat + max_lat) / 2.0 center_lon = center_longitude(min_lon, max_lon) lat_distance = haversine_distance(min_lat, center_lon, max_lat, center_lon) # The haversine formula will find the shortest distance between two points # If we want the sector larger than 180 degrees in longitude, we need # some special handling for the distance calculation if (max_lonE - min_lonE) > 180: dist1 = haversine_distance(center_lat, min_lonE, center_lat, min_lonE + 180) dist2 = haversine_distance(center_lat, min_lonE + 180, center_lat, max_lonE) lon_distance = dist1 + dist2 else: lon_distance = haversine_distance(center_lat, min_lon, center_lat, max_lon) extent_lat = int(lat_distance / 2.0) extent_lon = int(lon_distance / 2.0) height = int(lat_distance / resolution) width = int(lon_distance / resolution) lower_left_xy = [-1 * extent_lon, -1 * extent_lat] upper_right_xy = [extent_lon, extent_lat] return { "lower_left_xy": lower_left_xy, "upper_right_xy": upper_right_xy, "height": height, "width": width, "lat_0": center_lat, "lon_0": center_lon, }
[docs]def esitmate_area_from_center(lat_0, lon_0, height, width, resolution): """Estimate the area extent for use in the YAML area definition. Parameters ---------- lat_0, lon_0 : float Center lat/lon values in degrees height, width : int Pixel dimensions resolution : int Resolution in meters Returns ------- dict Dictionary holding: * lower_left_xy - list of projection x/y coordinates of lower left corner of lower left pixel * upper_right_xy - list of projection x/y coordinates of upper right corner of upper right pixel * height - number of grid rows * width - number of grid columns * lat_0 - Center latitude in degrees * lon_0 - Center longitude in degrees """ # Convert all longitude points to degrees east center_lon = convert_west2east(lon_0) center_lat = lat_0 lats_lons = generateMinMaxLatLong(lat_0, lon_0, height, width, resolution) max_lonE = convert_west2east(lats_lons[3]) min_lonE = convert_west2east(lats_lons[2]) lat_distance = haversine_distance( lats_lons[0], center_lon, lats_lons[1], center_lon ) # distance = inverse_haversine_distance(lat_0, center_lon, height, width, resolution) if (max_lonE - min_lonE) > 180: dist1 = haversine_distance(center_lat, min_lonE, center_lat, min_lonE + 180) dist2 = haversine_distance(center_lat, min_lonE + 180, center_lat, max_lonE) lon_distance = dist1 + dist2 else: lon_distance = haversine_distance( center_lat, lats_lons[2], center_lat, lats_lons[3] ) # The haversine formula will find the shortest distance between two points # If we want the sector larger than 180 degrees in longitude, we need # some special handling for the distance calculation extent_lat = int(lat_distance / 2.0) extent_lon = int(lon_distance / 2.0) lower_left_xy = [-1 * extent_lon, -1 * extent_lat] upper_right_xy = [extent_lon, extent_lat] return { "lower_left_xy": lower_left_xy, "upper_right_xy": upper_right_xy, "height": height, "width": width, "lat_0": lat_0, "lon_0": lon_0, }
AREA_DEF_TEMPLATE = """ # Copy and paste the following into a yaml sector file. # Replace @SECTOR_NAME@ and @SECTOR_DESCRIPTION@ with appropriate information. # Update sector_info as needed as well @SECTOR_NAME@: description: @SECTOR_DESCRIPTION@ projection: a: $EARTH_RADIUS_METERS lat_0: $lat_0 lon_0: $lon_0 proj: eqc units: m resolution: - $resolution - $resolution shape: height: $height width: $width area_extent: lower_left_xy: $lower_left_xy upper_right_xy: $upper_right_xy """ if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparser = parser.add_subparsers(help="sub-parser help") parser_c = subparser.add_parser("c", help="center help") parser_e = subparser.add_parser("e", help="extent help") parser_e.add_argument("--max_lat", type=float, required=True) parser_e.add_argument("--max_lon", type=float, required=True) parser_e.add_argument("--min_lat", type=float, required=True) parser_e.add_argument("--min_lon", type=float, required=True) parser_e.add_argument("--resolution", "-r", type=int, required=True) parser_c.add_argument("--lat_0", type=float, required=True) parser_c.add_argument("--lon_0", type=float, required=True) parser_c.add_argument("--height", type=int, required=True) parser_c.add_argument("--width", "-w", type=int, required=True) parser_c.add_argument("--resolution", "-r", type=int, required=True) ARGS = parser.parse_args() try: estimated_extent = estimate_area_extent( ARGS.min_lat, ARGS.min_lon, ARGS.max_lat, ARGS.max_lon, ARGS.resolution ) except: estimated_extent = esitmate_area_from_center( ARGS.lat_0, ARGS.lon_0, ARGS.height, ARGS.width, ARGS.resolution ) lat_0 = estimated_extent["lat_0"] lon_0 = estimated_extent["lon_0"] height, width = estimated_extent["height"], estimated_extent["width"] lower_left_xy = estimated_extent["lower_left_xy"] upper_right_xy = estimated_extent["upper_right_xy"] populated_template = Template(AREA_DEF_TEMPLATE).substitute( { "EARTH_RADIUS_METERS": EARTH_RADIUS_METERS, "lat_0": lat_0, "lon_0": lon_0, "resolution": ARGS.resolution, "height": height, "width": width, "lower_left_xy": lower_left_xy, "upper_right_xy": upper_right_xy, } ) print(populated_template)