| # # # Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited. | # # # | # # # Author: | # # # Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division | # # # | # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under | # # # the terms of the NRLMMD License included with this program. This program is | # # # distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | # # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the included license | # # # for more details. If you did not receive the license, for more information see: | # # # https://github.com/U-S-NRL-Marine-Meteorology-Division/ Version 1.1.13 (2021-01-29) *************************** previously known as v1.1.3 (Pending) Remove Code ===================== * old_tcweb_fnames (Added tc_lon argument to old_tcweb_fnames) * Remove products/pmw_mint.py (Pending) Deprecation Warnings ============================== * find_modules_in_geoips_packages -> find_modules * Corrected find module terminology and added support for different module and method names * PREVIOUS find_modules_in_geoips_packages(module_name, method_name) * from geoips.module_name.method_name import method_name # Always same method name * UPDATED find_modules_in_geoips_packages(subpackage_name, module_name, method_name=None) * from geoips.subpackage_name.module_name import method_name * Imports in "drivers" will require updating to new terminology. Note this will all go away with Tim entry points * geoips_modules / $GEOIPS_MODULES_DIR -> geoips_packages and $GEOIPS_PACKAGES_DIR * These are convenience variables / directory structures for storing multiple geoips repositories. * Updated modules to packages for accurate naming conventions, handle discrepancies in gpaths/config * Note this will also all go away with Tim entry points Breaking Changes ================ * BREAKING CHANGE: standardized platform names * sen1 -> sentinel-1, metopa -> metop-a, metopb -> metop-b, metopc -> metop-c, radarsat2 -> radarsat-2 * NOAA-19 -> noaa-19, NOAA-18 -> noaa-18, amsub -> amsu-b, * BREAKING CHANGE: Changed wind_speed to vmax in sector_info dictionary for TCs ALSO CHANGED IN PYROCB!!!!!!! * Change track_type -> aid_type * BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed area_def -> area_definition xarray attribute Deprecation Warnings ==================== * get_area_defs_for_xarray -> get_static_area_defs_for_xarray AND get_atcf_area_defs_for_xarray * (added get_trackfile_area_defs) * commandline run_yaml_from_deckfile.py -> convert_trackfile_to_yaml.py * commandline update_atcf_database.py -> update_tc_tracks_database.py * sector_utils/atcf_tracks.py -> sector_utils/tc_tracks.py * sector_utils/atcf_database.py -> tc_tracks_database.py * colormaps.py -> colormap_utils.py - moved colormaps into subpackage user_colormaps * moved set_matplotlib_colors_standard from mpl_utils to colormap_utils * - from geoips.image_utils.mpl_utils import set_matplotlib_colors_standard * + from geoips.image_utils.colormap_utils import set_matplotlib_colors_standard * products/global_stitched -> products/stitched * some imports from mpl_utils moved to user_colormaps and/or colormap_utils * -from geoips.image_utils.mpl_utils import set_matplotlib_colors_37H * +from geoips.image_utils.user_colormaps.pmw import set_matplotlib_colors_37H * +from geoips.image_utils.colormap_utils import set_matplotlib_colors_standard * +from geoips.image_utils.user_colormaps.winds import set_matplotlib_colors_winds Refactoring =========== * Created separate modules for each visir and pmw products within algorithms/visir and algorithms/pmw * Previously all separate products were combined within products/visir.py and products/pmw_tb.py * Standardized geolocation generation for ABI/AHI/SEVIRI New Readers =========== * Added amsu-b MIRS reader * Added MIMIC reader * Added MODIS hdf4 reader Performance Upgrades ==================== * For xarray sectoring - pass "check_center" and "drop" to allow checking coverage based on the center of the image, and completely dropping rows and columns that are unneeded New functionality ================= * Added additional command line arguments: * atcf_db, atcf_db_sectorlist to specify TC processing based on the TC database * trackfiles, trackfile_parser, and trackfile_sectorlist to specify processing based on the flat sectorfile * Added support for arbitrary TC trackfile parsing - currently flat sectorfile and G-decks * Added xml_to_yaml geoips1 sectorfile conversion utility * Added parallax_correction argument to data_manipulations.merge.merge_data * Currently does not blend msg-1 with AHI near the equator, later could implement optical flow based corrections * Allow building documentation for alternative geoips packages, not only geoips * Added ambiguity wind barb plotting * Added global stitched imagery capability * Added TPW processing * Allow optional fields for netcdf output filename * Fully support xml -> yaml conversions for geoips1 sectorfiles. * Replace '-' with '_' in method and module names for find_modules * Added overpass predictor * Added static sector database * Added database of TC overpasses Bug Fixes ========= * Resolved bug with transparency behind titles / borders for cartopy plotting * Ensure metadata goes in _dev directory if product is in _dev directory * Use make_dirs for netcdf write (sets permissions) rather than os.makedirs()