| # # # Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited. | # # # | # # # Author: | # # # Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division | # # # | # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under | # # # the terms of the NRLMMD License included with this program. This program is | # # # distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | # # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the included license | # # # for more details. If you did not receive the license, for more information see: | # # # https://github.com/U-S-NRL-Marine-Meteorology-Division/ Version 1.6.0 (2022-11-28) ************************** This release includes primarily installation and documentation updates, and bug fixes. Installation Updates ==================== Maintain GEOIPS_REPO_URL if set ------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#119: 2022-11-16, installation updates and test script bug fixes* * Only re-set GEOIPS_REPO_URL if it is not already set. Assume if someone explicitly sets it, they mean it. :: modified: setup/config_geoips Add rclone lsf --config option ------------------------------ *From issue GEOIPS#119: 2022-11-16, installation updates and test script bug fixes* * Add --config option for rclone lsf command, was failing without ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf :: modified: tests/download_noaa_aws.sh Testing Updates =============== Add AMSR2 test scripts ---------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#119: 2022-11-16, installation updates and test script bug fixes* * Add additional AMSR2 test scripts to test_all.sh - not previously tested. * Update YAML metadata output for previously non-tested AMSR2 scripts to include storm_start_datetime :: modified: tests/outputs/amsr2.tc_overlay.37pct.imagery_annotated_over_Infrared-Gray/20200518_073601_IO012020_amsr2_gcom-w1_37pct_140kts_95p89_res1p0-cr100-bgInfrared-Gray.png.yaml modified: tests/outputs/amsr2.tc_overlay.37pct.imagery_annotated_over_Visible/20200518_073601_IO012020_amsr2_gcom-w1_37pct_140kts_95p89_res1p0-cr100-bgVisible.png.yaml modified: tests/outputs/amsr2.tc_overlay.89pct.imagery_annotated_over_Infrared-Gray/20200518_073601_IO012020_amsr2_gcom-w1_89pct_140kts_98p32_res1p0-cr100-bgInfrared-Gray.png.yaml modified: tests/outputs/amsr2.tc_overlay.89pct.imagery_annotated_over_Visible/20200518_073601_IO012020_amsr2_gcom-w1_89pct_140kts_98p32_res1p0-cr100-bgVisible.png.yaml modified: tests/outputs/amsr2_ocean.tc.windspeed.imagery_clean/20200518_073601_IO012020_amsr2_gcom-w1_windspeed_140kts_85p45_1p0-clean.png.yaml modified: tests/test_all.sh Documentation Updates ===================== Add Contributors documentation page ----------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#119: 2022-11-16, installation updates and test script bug fixes* * Link to contributors page from README * Link to git-workflow.rst from Contributors page * Replace full URLs with linked text in git-workflow.rst :: new file: docs/contributors.rst modified: README.md modified: docs/git-workflow.rst modified: docs/setup-new-plugin.rst Simplify README and installation -------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#119: 2022-11-16, installation updates and test script bug fixes* * Only include next step once in check_continue output, for simplicity * Remove direct installation steps from README.md * Include more generalized information in README, with link to full documentation/installation. * Move the complete conda-based installation to the bottom of docs/installation.rst * Include system requirements, and a basic geoips installation process (not requiring full conda based install) in installation.rst :: modified: README.md modified: docs/installation.rst modified: setup/bash_setup/check_continue