| # # # Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited. | # # # | # # # Author: | # # # Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division | # # # | # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under | # # # the terms of the NRLMMD License included with this program. This program is | # # # distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | # # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the included license | # # # for more details. If you did not receive the license, for more information see: | # # # https://github.com/U-S-NRL-Marine-Meteorology-Division/ Version 1.7.0 (2023-02-15) ************************************** Regression Fixes ================ Force matplotlib to v3.6.3 until we can update all test outputs --------------------------------------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#184: 2023-02-15, version update* * matplotlib 3.7.0 causes slight changes in labels for annotated imagery outputs * Note when we update all outputs, we will also switch from conda install of matplotlib and cartopy to pip install. :: setup.py setup.sh Update format for SAR coverage start and end time ------------------------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#139: 2023-02-10, Update SAR reader for new coverage start and end time format* * Until 20221103, SAR coverage start and end time was formatted as YYYYMMDDTHHMNSS * As of 20221105, updated to YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MN:SSZ * Update reader to support both (old and new file formats) * Added B-deck file with coverage over a SAR file with the new format. :: modified: geoips/interface_modules/readers/sar_winds_netcdf.py new file: tests/sectors/tc_bdecks/bsh112023.dat Bug fixes ========= Fix minor issues during docs build ---------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#166: 2023-01-31, fix minor issues during docs build* * Remove imports of ``collections.Hashable`` from ``ahi_hsd`` and ``abi_netcdf`` readers. * Remove import of ``IPython.embed`` from ``modis_hdf4`` reader. * Ignore GeoIPS.pdf in ``.gitignore``. Testing Updates =============== Extend SAR incident angle plots to 70 degrees --------------------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#141: 2023-02-10, Increase range for SAR incident angle plots* Some SAR satellites have retrievals very near edge of scan, so increase the allowed range for the incident angle plots to cover to the edge. This will impact any test outputs. * Add ticks for 55, 60, 65, 70 degrees * Increase range from [15, 50] to [15, 70] degrees :: geoips/yaml_configs/product_params/sfc_winds/incident-angle.yaml Documentation Updates ===================== Update all release note distro statements to use RST-formatting --------------------------------------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#184: 2023-02-15, version update* * Use ``| # # #`` for release note distro statements :: modified: docs/source/releases/*.rst Convert CHANGELOG from md to rst -------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#172: 2023-02-06, convert CHANGELOG from md to rst* * RST supports sphinx-built release notes - can copy CHANGELOG.rst directly to release notes on version update. * Used pandoc, with slight modifications after convert to match current release notes * Formatted to match CHANGELOG_TEMPLATE.rst requirements :: renamed/modified: CHANGELOG.md -> CHANGELOG.rst Removed test_data_amsr2 section from v1.6.0 release notes --------------------------------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#172: 2023-02-06, convert CHANGELOG from md to rst* * Removed GEOIPS#11 section from v1.6.0 release notes * This was already included in v1.6.1 :: modified: docs/source/releases/logs/v1_6_0.rst Convert CHANGELOG_TEMPLATE from md to rst ----------------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#172: 2023-02-06, convert CHANGELOG from md to rst* * Rearrange to be in same order as release.yml (with similar headers) * Update to always include top level header of Issue ID, date, and summary * This will NOT be included in the release notes - used to separate PRs until next release * Actual changes will be sorted into the second level header label categories when generating the release notes during the release process. * Update to always include second level headers of "label" categories * Update to always include a summary of each individual change as a third level header * This allows proper summarization of all changes via RST headers. * Update to always include the Issue ID / PR summary with each third level individual change header * These will all be sorted into the second level header label categories during version release, so including the Issue ID and PR summary with each change will facilitate rapidly re-organizing the CHANGELOG into the release notes, and still maintaining a connection to the original PRs. * Update to always include list of changed files under each third level individual change header :: renamed/modified: CHANGELOG_TEMPLATE.md -> CHANGELOG_TEMPLATE.rst Moved v1.6.1 and v1.6.3 into separate release notes --------------------------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#172: 2023-02-06, convert CHANGELOG from md to rst* * removed old versions from from CHANGELOG * Added to docs/source/releases/index.rst * Update to match new CHANGELOG_TEMPLATE.rst formatting :: new file: docs/source/releases/logs/v1_6_1.rst new file: docs/source/releases/logs/v1_6_3.rst modified: docs/source/releases/index.rst Update all release notes to match standardized format ----------------------------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#172: 2023-02-06, convert CHANGELOG from md to rst* * Top level header of "Version X.Y.Z (YYYY-MM-DD)" * Second level headers of label categories (like release.yml) * Third level headers of actual individual changes * Include reference to Issue ID and PR summary with each individual change * NOTE: Only v1.6.x release notes were fully updated - others only finalized as far as the top level header. Include explicit links to correct github URLs --------------------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#175: 2023-02-06, update to explicit links* :: modified: docs/source/_templates/indexrst.html modified: docs/source/conf.py Allow passing full path and html-only to build_docs.sh ------------------------------------------------------ *From issue GEOIPS#179: 2023-02-06, build_docs.sh path and html-only* * Added ``pydata_sphinx_theme``, and ``sphinx_design`` to setup.py * modified ``build_docs.sh`` to take full path to package for documentation build. * Added ``html_only`` option to ``build_docs.sh`` that does NOT produce pdf output :: setup.py docs/build_docs.sh Update SRS to v1.1 with code style enforcement ---------------------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#176: 2023-02-06, Update SRS to v1.1 with code style enforcement* * Update SRS to v1.1 * Use black/flake8/bandit code checks * Use NumPy docstring formatting / style guide. :: modified: docs/source/devguide/software_requirements_specification.rst RST implementation of new docs organization ------------------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#156: 2023-02-01, rst implementation of new docs organization* * modified .gitignore to ignore ``DS_Store`` tha showup on MacOS directories. * modified .gitignore to ignore build files * modified conf.py, setup.py and added environment.yml to add new sphinx extensions. * modified and add rst files to build new layout * Removed ``geoips_index.rst`` (replaced with new sphinx-based organization) * modified ``build_docs.sh`` to have GeoIPS.pdf be in docs/source :: modified: .gitignore modified: setup.py modified: docs/build_docs.sh added: docs/source/_static/index_api.png added: docs/source/_static/index_contribute.png added: docs/source/_static/index_getting_started.png added: docs/source/_static/index_user_guide.png modified: docs/source/_templates/geoips_footer.html added: docs/source/_templates/indexrst.html modified: docs/source/conf.py added: docs/source/contact/about.rst added: docs/source/contact/index.rst modified: docs/source/devguide/contributors.rst modified: docs/source/devguide/documentation_strategy.rst modified: docs/source/devguide/git_workflow.rst modified: docs/source/devguide/index.rst modified: docs/source/devguide/setup_new_plugin.rst modified: docs/source/devguide/software_requirements_specification.rst modified: docs/source/devguide/xarray_standards.rst modified: docs/source/introduction/entry_points.rst added: docs/source/introduction/index.rst added: docs/source/releases/index.rst modified: docs/source/releases/release.rst added: docs/source/starter/index.rst modified: docs/source/starter/installation.rst modified: docs/source/userguide/available_functionality.rst modified: docs/source/userguide/command_line_examples.rst added: docs/source/userguide/index.rst added envronment.yml removed: docs/source/devguide/geoips_index.rst Remove “2.0” from documentation ------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#168: 2023-01-31, remove “2.0” from documentation* * Found and removed all references to “2.0” in the documentation :: modified: source/conf.py modified: source/devguide/documentation_strategy.rst modified: source/devguide/geoips_index.rst modified: source/devguide/software_requirements_specification.rst modified: source/devguide/xarray_standards.rst modified: source/introduction/geoips_overview.rst Release Updates =============== Update VERSION to 1.7.0, add 1.7.0 release note ------------------------------------------------- *From issue GEOIPS#184: 2023-02-15, version update* :: modified: VERSION modified: CHANGELOG.rst new file: docs/source/releases/v1_7_0.rst