# # # Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited.
# # #
# # # Author:
# # # Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division
# # #
# # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# # # the terms of the NRLMMD License included with this program. This program is
# # # distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# # # for more details. If you did not receive the license, for more information see:

Xarray and NetCDF Metadata Standards#

All GeoIPS readers read data into xarray Datasets - a separate dataset for each shape/resolution of data - and contain standard metadata information for standardized processing.

Readers should return a dictionary of the resulting xarray Datasets, with human readable keys for the different datasets (no standard for dictionary key names).

Xarray Standard Variables#

Internal to GeoIPS, our xarray standards include the following variables for automated temporal and spatial sectoring.

  • ‘latitude’ - REQUIRED 2d array the same shape as data variables

  • ‘longitude’ - REQUIRED 2d array the same shape as data variables

  • ‘time’ - OPTIONAL 2d array the same shape as data variables

NOTE: Additional methods of storing spatial and temporal information will be implemented in the future for efficiency, but currently latitude and longitude arrays are strictly required, and time array is required for automated temporal sectoring

Xarray Standard Attributes#

The following standard attributes are used internally to GeoIPS for consistent generation of titles, legends, regridding, etc

  • ‘source_name’ - REQUIRED

  • ‘platform_name’ - REQUIRED

  • ‘data_provider’ - REQUIRED

  • ‘start_datetime’ - REQUIRED

  • ‘end_datetime’ - REQUIRED

  • ‘interpolation_radius_of_influence’ - REQUIRED used for pyresample-based interpolation

The following optional attributes can be used within processing if available.

  • ‘source_file_names’ - OPTIONAL

    • list of strings containing names of all files that went into the current dataset. To ensure consistent output between users, these file names can either be

      • base paths, including only the filename and excluding the path altogether, or

      • full paths with GeoIPS environment variables replacing specific paths (ie, $GEOIPS_OUTDIRS, $GEOIPS_TESTDATA_DIR, etc)

  • ‘source_file_attributes’ - OPTIONAL

    • attribute associated with the list of source files.

    • dictionary with name of each source file as keys, and attributes specific to that source file as values.

  • ‘source_file_datetimes’ - OPTIONAL

    • list of datetime objects corresponding to the datetime listed in each of the ‘source_file_names’. List must be same length as ‘source_file_names’

  • ‘area_definition’ - OPTIONAL

    • specify area_definition current dataset is registered to, if applicable

  • ‘registered_dataset’ - OPTIONAL

    • True if current dataset is registered to a specific area_definition, False otherwise

  • ‘minimum_coverage’ - OPTIONAL

    • if specified, products will not be generated with coverage < minimum_coverage

  • ‘sample_distance_km’ - OPTIONAL

    • if specified, sample_distance_km can be used to produce a “minimum” sized image. Web images are often up sampled to provide a conveniently sized image for viewing with titles/legends, this allows producing minimal sized “clean” imagery for overlaying in external viewers (such as the Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting System)

NetCDF CF Standards#

All additional attributes should follow the NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Conventions.

Attributes and metadata on output NetCDF files should follow the CF Metadata Conventions

Names of attributes describing individual products and variables in output NetCDF files should use CF Standard Names when available