geoips.plugins.modules.colormappers package#



geoips.plugins.modules.colormappers.cmap_rgb module#

Module containing matplotlib information for RGB or RGBA imagery.[source]#

For rgb imagery, we require no color information.

colormap is entirely specified by the RGB(A) arrays, so no specific matplotlib color information required.


arguments (No) –



  • Specifies matplotlib Colors parameters for use in both plotting and colorbar generation

  • For RGBA arrays, all fields are “None”

Return type:


geoips.plugins.modules.colormappers.matplotlib_linear_norm module#

Matplotlib information for standard imagery with an existing system colormap., cmap_name='Greys', cmap_source='matplotlib', cmap_path=None, create_colorbar=True, cbar_label=None, cbar_ticks=None, cbar_tick_labels=None, cbar_spacing='proportional', cbar_full_width=False, colorbar_kwargs=None, set_ticks_kwargs=None, set_label_kwargs=None)[source]#

Set the matplotlib colors information for matplotlib linear norm cmaps.

This information used in both colorbar and image production throughout GeoIPS image output specifications.

  • data_range (list, default=None) –

    • [min_val, max_val], matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=min_val, vmax=max_val)

    • If data_range not specified, vmin and vmax both None.

  • cmap_name (str, default="Greys") –

    • Specify the name of the resulting matplotlib colormap.

    • If no ascii_path specified, will use builtin matplotlib colormap of name cmap_name.

  • ascii_path (str, default=None) –

    • Specify full path to ASCII palette to convert to matplotlib colormap.

    • If not specified, use internal matplotlib colormap “cmap_name”.

  • cbar_label (str, default=None) –

    • Positional parameter passed to cbar.set_label

    • If specified, use cbar_label string as colorbar label.

  • create_colorbar (bool, default=True) –

    • Specify whether the image should contain a colorbar or not.

  • cbar_ticks (list, default=None) –

    • Positional parameter passed to cbar.set_ticks

    • Specify explicit list of ticks to include for colorbar.

    • None indicates ticks at int(min) and int(max) values

  • cbar_tick_labels (list, default=None) –

    • “labels” argument to pass to cbar.set_ticks.

    • can also specify directly within “set_ticks_kwargs”

  • cbar_spacing (string, default="proportional") –

    • “spacing” argument to pass to fig.colorbar

    • can also specify directly within “colorbar_kwargs”

  • cbar_full_width (bool, default=True) –

    • Extend the colorbar across the full width of the image.

  • colorbar_kwargs (dict, default=None) –

    • keyword arguments to pass through directly to “fig.colorbar”

  • set_ticks_kwargs (dict, default=None) –

    • keyword arguments to pass through directly to “cbar.set_ticks”

  • set_label_kwargs (dict, default=None) –

    • keyword arguments to pass through directly to “cbar.set_label”



  • Specifies matplotlib Colors parameters for use in both plotting and colorbar generation

Return type:


See also

API Reference

See geoips.image_utils.mpl_utils.create_colorbar for field descriptions.

Module contents#

Geoips colormappers init file.