geoips.plugins.modules.algorithms.pmw_tb package#


geoips.plugins.modules.algorithms.pmw_tb.pmw_37pct module#

Passive Microwave 37 GHz Polarization Corrected Temperature.

Data manipulation steps for the “37pct” product. This algorithm expects Brightness Temperatures in units of degrees Kelvin., output_data_range=None, min_outbounds='crop', max_outbounds='mask', norm=False, inverse=False)[source]#

37pct product algorithm data manipulation steps.

This algorithm expects Brightness Temperatures in units of degrees Kelvin, and returns degrees Kelvin


arrays (list of numpy.ndarray) –

  • numpy.ndarray or numpy.MaskedArray of channel data, in order of sensor

    ”channels” list

  • Degrees Kelvin


numpy.ndarray or numpy.MaskedArray of appropriately scaled channel data, in degrees Kelvin.

Return type:


geoips.plugins.modules.algorithms.pmw_tb.pmw_89pct module#

Passive Microwave 89 GHz Polarization Corrected Temperature.

Data manipulation steps for the “89pct” product. This algorithm expects Brightness Temperatures in units of degrees Kelvin, output_data_range, min_outbounds='crop', max_outbounds='mask', norm=False, inverse=False)[source]#

89pct product algorithm data manipulation steps.

This algorithm expects Brightness Temperatures in units of degrees Kelvin, and returns degrees Kelvin


arrays (list of numpy.ndarray) –

  • list of numpy.ndarray or numpy.MaskedArray of channel data

    and other variables, in order of sensor “variables” list

  • Channel data: Degrees Kelvin


numpy.ndarray or numpy.MaskedArray of appropriately scaled channel data, in degrees Kelvin.

Return type:


geoips.plugins.modules.algorithms.pmw_tb.pmw_color37 module#

Passive Microwave 37 GHz Colorized Brightness Temperature.

Data manipulation steps for the “color37” product. This algorithm expects Brightness Temperatures in units of degrees Kelvin[source]#

color37 product algorithm data manipulation steps.

This algorithm expects Brightness Temperatures in units of degrees Kelvin, and returns red green and blue gun arrays.


data (list of numpy.ndarray) –

  • list of numpy.ndarray or numpy.MaskedArray of channel data,

    in order of channels list above

  • Degrees Kelvin


numpy.ndarray or numpy.MaskedArray of qualitative RGBA image output

Return type:


geoips.plugins.modules.algorithms.pmw_tb.pmw_color89 module#

Passive Microwave 89 GHz Colorized Brightness Temperature.

Data manipulation steps for the “color89” product. This algorithm expects Brightness Temperatures in units of degrees Kelvin[source]#

color89 product algorithm data manipulation steps.

This algorithm expects Brightness Temperatures in units of degrees Kelvin, and returns red green and blue gun arrays.


arrays (list of numpy.ndarray) –

  • list of numpy.ndarray or numpy.MaskedArray of channel data and

    other variables, in order of sensor “variables” list

  • Channel data: Degrees Kelvin


numpy.ndarray or numpy.MaskedArray of qualitative RGBA image output

Return type:


Module contents#

geoips pmw_tb algorithm init file.