geoips.plugins.modules.interpolators.utils package#
geoips.plugins.modules.interpolators.utils.boxdefinitions module#
Classes for geometry operations allowing masked data in swath corners.
This package uses the pyresample geometry package as base classes:
# pyresample, Resampling of remote sensing image data in python # # Copyright (C) 2010-2015 # # Authors: # Esben S. Nielsen # Thomas Lavergne
- class geoips.plugins.modules.interpolators.utils.boxdefinitions.Line(start, end)[source]#
A Line between two lat/lon points.
- end = None#
- intersection(other)[source]#
Identify intersection between two lines.
Says where, if two lines defined by the current line and the other_line intersect.
- intersects(other_line)[source]#
Test two lines intersect.
Says if two lines defined by the current line and the other_line intersect. A line is defined as the shortest tracks between two points.
- start = None#
- class geoips.plugins.modules.interpolators.utils.boxdefinitions.MaskedCornersSwathDefinition(lons, lats, nprocs=1)[source]#
Swath defined by lons and lats.
Allows datasets with potentially masked data in the corners.
- Parameters:
lons (numpy array) – Longitude values
lats (numpy array) – Latitude values
nprocs (int, optional) – Number of processor cores to be used for calculations.
- shape#
Swath shape
- Type:
- size#
Number of elements in swath
- Type:
- ndims#
Swath dimensions
- Type:
- Properties#
- ----------
- lons#
Swath lons
- Type:
- lats#
Swath lats
- Type:
- cartesian_coords#
Swath cartesian coordinates
- Type:
- property corners#
Return current area corners.
- get_bounding_box_lonlats(npts=100)[source]#
Return lon/lats along bounding Arcs.
- Parameters:
npts (int) – Number of points to return along each line
- Returns:
(top, right, bottom, left) (4 tuples containing lists) – of len npts of lons/lats
retval = (list(tplons),list(tplats)), – (list(rtlons),list(rtlats)), (list(btlons),list(btlats)), (list(ltlons),list(ltlats))
eg for n=3 – ([tplon0,tplon1,tplon2],[tplat0,tplat1,tplat2]), ([rtlon0,rtlon1,rtlon2],[rtlat0,rtlat1,rtlat2]), ([btlon0,btlon1,btlon2],[btlat0,btlat1,btlat2]), ([ltlon0,ltlon1,ltlon2],[ltlat0,ltlat1,ltlat2]),
- class geoips.plugins.modules.interpolators.utils.boxdefinitions.PlanarPolygonDefinition(lons, lats, nprocs=1)[source]#
Planar polygon definition.
- property corners#
Return corners.
- get_bounding_box_lonlats(npts=100)[source]#
Return array of lon/lats along the bounding lat/lon lines.
- Parameters:
npts (int) – Number of points to return along each line
- Returns:
(top, right, bottom, left) (4 tuples containing lists) – of len npts of lons/lats
retval = (list(tplons),list(tplats)), – (list(rtlons),list(rtlats)), (list(btlons),list(btlats)), (list(ltlons),list(ltlats))
eg for n=3 – ([tplon0,tplon1,tplon2],[tplat0,tplat1,tplat2]), ([rtlon0,rtlon1,rtlon2],[rtlat0,rtlat1,rtlat2]), ([btlon0,btlon1,btlon2],[btlat0,btlat1,btlat2]), ([ltlon0,ltlon1,ltlon2],[ltlat0,ltlat1,ltlat2]),
- intersection(other)[source]#
Return current area intersection polygon corners against other.
- Parameters:
other (object) – Instance of subclass of BaseDefinition
- Returns:
(corner1, corner2, corner3, corner4)
- Return type:
tuple of points
- geoips.plugins.modules.interpolators.utils.boxdefinitions.get_2d_false_corners(box_def)[source]#
Identify false corners.
geoips.plugins.modules.interpolators.utils.interp_pyresample module#
Interpolation methods using pyresample routines.
- geoips.plugins.modules.interpolators.utils.interp_pyresample.get_data_box_definition(source_name, lons, lats)[source]#
Obtain pyresample geometry definitions.
For use with pyresample based reprojections
- Parameters:
source_name (str) – geoips source_name for data type
lons (ndarray) – Numpy array of longitudes, 0 to 360
lats (ndarray) – Numpy array of latitudes, -90 to 90
- geoips.plugins.modules.interpolators.utils.interp_pyresample.interp_kd_tree(list_of_arrays, area_definition, data_box_definition, radius_of_influence, interp_type='nearest', sigmas=None, neighbours=None, nprocs=None, fill_value=None)[source]#
Interpolate using pyresample’s kd_tree.resample_nearest method.
- Parameters:
list_of_array (list of numpy.ndarray) – list of arrays to be interpolated
area_definition (areadef) – pyresample area_definition object of current region of interest.
data_box_definition (datadef) – pyresample/geoips data_box_definition specifying region covered by source data.
radius_of_influence (float) – radius of influence for interpolation
interp_type (str, default='nearest') – One of ‘nearest’ or ‘gauss’ - kd_tree resampling methods.
sigmas (int, default=None) –
- Used for interp_type ‘gauss’ - multiplication factor for sigmas option:
sigmas = [sigmas]*len(list_of_arrays)
geoips.plugins.modules.interpolators.utils.interp_scipy module#
Interpolation routines from the scipy package.
- geoips.plugins.modules.interpolators.utils.interp_scipy.interp_gaussian_kde(data_lons, data_lats, target_lons, target_lats, vw_method=None)[source]#
Interpolate a given array of non-uniform data using scipy.stats.gaussian_kde.
This is not finalized.
- Parameters:
data_array ( – numpy array of data to interpolate
data_lons ( – numpy array of longitudes corresponding to original data, same shape as data_array
data_lats ( – numpy array of latitudes corresponding to original data, same shape as data_array
target_lons ( – 2d numpy array of desired longitudes
target_lats ( – 2d numpy array of desired latitudes
bw_method (str) – Bandwidth selection method (see scipy.stats.gaussian_kde)|
See also
- geoips.plugins.modules.interpolators.utils.interp_scipy.interp_griddata(data_array, data_lons, data_lats, min_gridlon, max_gridlon, min_gridlat, max_gridlat, numx_grid, numy_grid, method='linear')[source]#
Interpolate a given array of non-uniform data to a specified grid.
Uses scipy.interpolate.griddata
- Parameters:
data_array ( – numpy array of original data to be interpolated
data_lons ( – numpy array of longitudes corresponding to original data, same shape as data_array
data_lats ( – numpy array of latitudes corresponding to original data, same shape as data_array
min_gridlon (float) –
- minimum desired lon for the output grid
-180.0 < min_gridlon < 180.0
max_gridlon (float) –
- maximum desired lon for the output grid
-180.0 < max_gridlon < 180.0
min_gridlat (float) –
- minimum desired lat for the output grid
-90.0 < min_gridlat < 90.0
max_gridlat (float) –
- maximum desired lat for the output grid
-90.0 < max_gridlat < 90.0
numx_grid (int) – number desired longitude points in the output grid
numy_grid (int) – number desired latitude points in the output grid
method (str, default='linear') – A string specifying the interpolation method to use for scipy.interpolate.griddata. One of ‘nearest’, ‘linear’ or ‘cubic’
Module contents#
Geoips interpolators utils init file.