# # # Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited.
# # #
# # # Author:
# # # Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division
# # #
# # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# # # the terms of the NRLMMD License included with this program. This program is
# # # distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# # # for more details. If you did not receive the license, for more information see:

Version 1.10.0 (2023-05-17)#

  • Add v1_10_0.rst release note

  • Rename colormaps interface to colormappers

  • Add more informative exception messages to interface PluginErrors

  • Update setuptools_scm to write to _version.py

  • Add interpolator products and product_defaults family schema

  • Update variable names for alt_varname in coverage checkers

From issue GEOIPS#251: 2023-05-17, version update

Breaking Changes#

Replace colormaps with colormappers#

Use a more consistent and accurate name for the color map interface.

modified:   pyproject.toml
modified:   geoips/cli.py
modified:   dev/output_config.py
modified:   dev/product.py
modified:   interfaces/__init__.py
modified:   interfaces/module_based/colormappers.py
modified:   schema/product_defaults/*colormapper*.yaml
modified:   schema/products/*colormapper*.yaml
modified:   schema/product_defaults/base/*colormapper*.yaml
modified:   schema/product_defaults/specs/*colormapper*.yaml
modified:   plugins/modules/procflows/single_source.py
modified:   plugins/modules/colormappers/*/*.py
modified:   plugins/modules/colormappers/*.py
modified:   plugins/yaml/product_defaults/*/*.yaml
modified:   plugins/yaml/product_defaults/Uncorrected-Channel.yaml
modified:   plugins/yaml/products/*.yaml

Bug fixes#

Update variable names for alt_varname in coverage checkers#

The keyword argument name was changed from alt_varname_for_covg to alt_varname, but the actual variable names within the functions were not changed.

Updating to match. I would like to update this to something more reasonable, but I haven’t decided what that is yet.

modified: geoips/plugins/modules/coverage_checkers/center_radius.py
modified: geoips/plugins/modules/coverage_checkers/center_radius_rgba.py
modified: geoips/plugins/modules/coverage_checkers/masked_arrays.py
modified: geoips/plugins/modules/coverage_checkers/numpy_arrays_nan.py
modified: geoips/plugins/modules/coverage_checkers/rgba.py
modified: geoips/plugins/modules/coverage_checkers/windbarbs.py


Add more informative exception messages to interface PluginErrors#

Ensure developer can immediately identify the plugin, package, and module related to a PluginError or ValidationError message.

modified:   geoips/interfaces/base.py
modified:   geoips/geoips_utils.py

Add interpolator product family schema#

Was not initially created

new: schema/products/interpolator.yaml
new: schema/product_defaults/interpolator.yaml
new: schema/product_defaults/specs/interpolator.yaml

Refactoring Updates#

Update setuptools_scm to write to _version.py vs version.py#

This is a more accepted and standard usage. Ensure we ignore the _version.py file, import from __init__.py, as well as adding to pyproject.toml.


Testing Updates#

Add full image paths to log output on bad compare#

Add diff image, current image, and “correct” image paths to log output on bad compare. Makes for easy viewing of outputs.


Release Updates#

Add 1.10.0 release note#

From issue GEOIPS#251: 2023-05-17, version update

modified: CHANGELOG.rst
new file: docs/source/releases/v1_10_0.rst
modified: docs/source/releases/index.rst