# # # Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited.
# # #
# # # Author:
# # # Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division
# # #
# # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# # # the terms of the NRLMMD License included with this program. This program is
# # # distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# # # for more details. If you did not receive the license, for more information see:

Version 1.4.7 (2022-05-06)#

v1.4.7: 2022-05-06, multiple coverage check types, ability to plot coverage outline, optional version requirements

Major New Functionality#

Add ability to plot coverage outline#

single_source.py procflow#

  • Allow passing optional “output_dict” to output_format modules

imagery_annotated.py output_format#

  • Allow checking for “plot_coverage” option in product params from imagery_annotated output format

center_radius.py coverage check module#

  • Add “plot_coverage” function to center_radius coverage check module.

  • When “plot_coverage” is added to product params imagery_annotated will call this function to

    include the outline of the coverage check function. Add via:

    • in YAML product spec, or

    • command line “product_params_override”, or

    • in YAML output config “product_params_override”

    • imagery_annotated will call this function to include the outline of the coverage check function.


Update Coverage Checks to Allow filename, full, and image_production based checks#

  • Include fname, full, and image_production covg funcs in metadata_tc outputs

  • Use “fname_covg_func” rather than “covg_func” when setting coverage for filename

  • Use max of “fname_covg” and “image_production_covg” when testing for minimum coverage

Installation Updates#

  • Moving version requirements for efficiency improvements to extra_requires

    • Rather than forcing satpy>=0.33.1 and pyresample>=1.22.3, include as an extra

      “efficiency_improvements” package in setup.py

    • Then, install efficiency_improvements and test_outputs extras FIRST so those packages and dependencies are

      installed first if desired.

Duplicate File Removal#

  • For tc_fname format, rather than only checking coverage, now have a 3 tiered duplicate file check:

    • If file has < max_coverage, delete

    • If file has > min_dt, delete

    • If another file has already been matched, delete (this is random!)

Output Filenames#

  • If output_fname is None, do not add to list or attempt to create metadata filename

    • Allow filename_formats to return None. If invalid, just continue.

    • This allows specifying multiple filename formats, and skipping formats that are invalid.

Real-time processing#

  • config_based.py

    • Moved product database writes to new write_to_database function

Bug fixes#

Real-time processing#

  • config_based.py

    • Added two new calls to write_to_database function, that stores unsectored and sectored products to database (these were previously missed)