# # # Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited.
# # #
# # # Author:
# # # Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division
# # #
# # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# # # the terms of the NRLMMD License included with this program. This program is
# # # distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# # # for more details. If you did not receive the license, for more information see:

Version 1.10.0a13 (2023-05-11)#

Clean up installation and integration testing process.

  • Add “tests/integration_tests” directory for installation and testing

    • Include install scripts that ensure system requirements available, and clone/install all required test repos and plugin packages for given set of test scripts

    • Additionally check system requirements prior to commencing tests

  • Remove old base install and test scripts

  • Update installation documentation to reflect explicit Anaconda installation, and simplified install/test scripts.

  • Provide more useful error messages from base interface class for invalid plugins.

  • Simplify base_test.sh script to only compare clean imagery test outputs.

Installation Updates#

Add tests/integration_tests/<package>_install.sh scripts#

From NRLMMD-GEOIPS/geoips#211f: 2023-05-09, product updates

These scripts first check basic system requirements exist:

  • git lfs

  • wget

  • imagemagick

  • python

  • openblas/scipy

  • libgeos/cartopy

  • rclone

Then check for specific test repos / plugin packages required for the set of tests, and install them if they do not exist:

  • test_data_amsr2 and AWS ABI test data for base install

  • All available plugin repos and test data repos for “full” install (will update appropriately as new repos/datasets become available)

modified: tests/integration_tests/base_install.sh
modified: tests/integration_tests/full_install.sh

Remove base_install_and_test.sh setup script#

These scripts have been replaced with the updated installation instructions, and the new integration_tests scripts.

deleted: base_install_and_test.sh
deleted: tests/test_base_install.sh
deleted: tests/test_base_install_low_memory.sh

Update check_system_requirements to return non-zero on failure#

Ensure when we call check_system_requirements, that it actually exits with error if a system requirement did not exist. This will be used during the installation process as well as the testing process to better identify issues with the installation.

modified: setup/check_system_requirements.sh

Add install option for setup_ahi_test_data in setup.sh#

Added one new option to setup.sh to allow installation of AHI test data. The option is called using setup.sh setup_ahi_test_data.

modified: setup.sh

Testing Updates#

Add tests/integration_tests/<package>_test.sh scripts#

These scripts first call “<package>_install.sh exit_on_missing”, which will exit with error on any missing packages (rather than just installing and continuing). Since we should assume everything has been installed prior to attempting the tests, we want to exit immediately with an error if anything was missing.

Once all system requirements have been checked, these scripts continue on through the list of complete integration tests required to sufficiently test the given package.

modified: tests/integration_tests/base_test.sh
modified: tests/integration_tests/full_test.sh

Simplify base_test.sh script to only compare clean imagery test outputs#

To avoid unnecessary comparison failures due to cartopy / matplotlib configurations, only test config based annotated imagery for completion, and single source clean imagery output for comparison.

modified: tests/integration_tests/base_test.sh

Update to use new AHI test_data installation method#

Update scripts that use AHI data to use the test_data_noaa_aws directory rather than the old test_data_ahi_day directory.

modified: tests/scripts/ahi.tc.WV.geotiff.sh

Add new tests for annotated imagery that do not perform comparison#

Sometimes, when cartopy shape files become out of date, annotated imagery tests will fail due to misaligned borders, shifted labels, etc. Two new tests were added which assert that we can produce annotated imagery but do not attempt to perform a comparison against reference imagery.

added: tests/scripts/amsr2.config_based_no_compare.sh
added: tests/yaml_configs/amsr2_test_no_compare.yaml

Update test_all.sh to use check_system_requirements.sh#

Update test_all.sh to check for system requirements including:

  • git lfs

  • imagemagick

  • wget

  • git

  • python

  • rclone

  • test_data_clavrx

  • test_data_amsr2

  • test_data_abi_day

modified: tests/test_all.sh

Documentation Updates#

Add updated installation instructions#

Replace script based installation with explicit commands included directly in the documentation.

Effectively the base_install_and_test.sh and test_base_install.sh scripts have been replaced with explicit instructions to:

  • wget and run Anaconda installer

  • Execute a conda create command that includes all required system dependencies

  • Run pip install geoips

  • Run tests/integration_tests/base_install.sh

  • Run tests/integration_tests/base_test.sh


Add useful error messages in base interface class for invalid plugins#

Ensure all instances of missing attributes throughout geoips/interfaces/base.py are appropriately caught and raised, with appropriate error messages.

modified: geoips/interfaces/base.py

Bug Fixes#

Add output_dict as kwd to geotiff_fname filename_formatter plugin#

The geotiff_fname filename_formatter was missing the output_dict keyword which caused errors to occur when it was called.

modified: geoips/plugins/modules/filename_formatters/geotiff_fname.py


Add new sectors for Japan and CONUS#

There are currently very few sectors in GeoIPS. This adds two new sectors to better demonstrate the static sector functionality.

added: geoips/plugins/yaml/sectors/static/conus.yaml
added: geoips/plugins/yaml/sectors/static/japan.yaml